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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Greg

    THU 2 available

    Yes. I just bought the Balducci pack for $29 from audiodeluxe and now have v2 unlocked.
  2. Greg

    Mods, reinstate Larry

    What? He’s been banned? Hope not.
  3. I received either code via email and was able to use it on the new tape effect for a total of $29.50
  4. I noticed there is an update also to TH-U as well. 1.4.28 Need to login - https://overloud.com/user/serial-numbers?user=440
  5. Any good tutorials for OTS? I feel like I am missing out on a bit of functionality.
  6. get it in the 2 for $76 deal custom 76 bundle. I went for new LA 6176 and the verve machines that came out last month.
  7. https://status.ilok.com/ pretty major - still down
  8. A bad strategy I have employed is pretty much buying every plugin so less need to look for deals. That’s a nadir for me
  9. I had an issue trying to install the new console a few weeks ago and got around it by running UA Connect as an administrator FWIW.
  10. I’m seeing 87.50 from Pro X to 11. Is this half off? I don’t recall even looking at the upgrade price when released a couple of months ago.
  11. The older website was easier to tell when there was an update. Now the new file names remove the version number. And there is no release date on the webpage for the latest version. Anyone else notice this or is there a different way I’m missing?
  12. Thanks for checking! 5 years is a long time in plug in land.
  13. I paid more for the LXP bundle ( Cut back reverb only) back in the day. They don’t offer upgrade deals. I’m not sure they have updated this any time recently. Last time I checked it hadn’t been updated in years. (Away from my music PC next several days to check. )
  14. Anyone use this? Don’t see much about it.
  15. Anyone know if it renews at this price ?
  16. Still is painfully slow to launch. Not sure why it takes 3-4 minutes to launch.
  17. Anyone using standalone on Windows with a UA TB interface? I can’t switch the ASIO driver to the UA Thunderbolt option. scratch that - need to change output device before input.
  18. Groove Agent doesn't get much love from Steinberg. Good to see an update.
  19. I haven’t followed Tonex as close as maybe I should have. Will these type of collections wind up in a Max collection?
  20. https://cytomic.com/ Release Notes For installation instruction please refer to the included document "TheGlue-Manual.pdf" which is included in every download. V1.7.0 (03 Nov 2023) • New: updated to Juce 7.0.8 V1.6.8 (16 June 2023) • Fix: improved automation of stepped parameters to only send automation data when a step change is made • Fix: improved scaling of quantization of stepped parameters to reach full range when normalised for better automation V1.6.7 (15 June 2023) • Fix: added back save dialogue box • Fix: quantization of stepped knobs to display the correct position of the actual value of the parameter V1.6.6 (11 June 2023) • Fix: swapped back to normal solver to properly null with previous versions – had accidentally released DK solver version which didn’t exactly null. V1.6.5 (11 June 2023) • New: all menus now scale with View Size scaling 50%-200% • Fix: popup text edit boxes now appear in correct position no matter View Size scaling or screen dpi settings V1.6.4 (8 June 2023) • New: support for VST3 on Windows • New: updated to Juce7 framework for Windows build with improved high dpi monitor support • New: improved installer folder locations • Change: the 64-bit VST2 version of The Glue is now called “The Glue.dll” instead of “The Glue 64.dll”, so you may need to delete the old file when installing the new one. • Change: dropped 32-bit bit support on Windows. (macOS stopped supporting 32-bit builds in 2017)
  21. seems to have fixed my "Link ILOK" issue.
  22. They are turning into Waves and IK just with better hardware. As annoying as it is after buying almost every plugin they make over the years and having 2 Apollos and a UA Mic (I think I don't have 3 of the Precision series), the UADx Spark subscription makes the most sense especially if they are selling the new Plug in for $149 (which was mentioned on UAD forum) after including it with 43 other plugins for $299.00. My "upgrade" is also $299 despite having already bought every plugin included (minus studio city).
  23. Right - not sure what I was looking at! Capital Chambers is the 4th one. They pulled down the Sound City video
  24. Also Massive Passive coming tomorrow Native. also an announcement for the Sound City native and apparently a new DSP plugin being announced too .
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