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  1. Greg

    THU 2 available

    Yes. I just bought the Balducci pack for $29 from audiodeluxe and now have v2 unlocked.
  2. Greg

    Mods, reinstate Larry

    What? He’s been banned? Hope not.
  3. I received either code via email and was able to use it on the new tape effect for a total of $29.50
  4. I noticed there is an update also to TH-U as well. 1.4.28 Need to login - https://overloud.com/user/serial-numbers?user=440
  5. Any good tutorials for OTS? I feel like I am missing out on a bit of functionality.
  6. get it in the 2 for $76 deal custom 76 bundle. I went for new LA 6176 and the verve machines that came out last month.
  7. https://status.ilok.com/ pretty major - still down
  8. A bad strategy I have employed is pretty much buying every plugin so less need to look for deals. That’s a nadir for me
  9. I had an issue trying to install the new console a few weeks ago and got around it by running UA Connect as an administrator FWIW.
  10. I’m seeing 87.50 from Pro X to 11. Is this half off? I don’t recall even looking at the upgrade price when released a couple of months ago.
  11. The older website was easier to tell when there was an update. Now the new file names remove the version number. And there is no release date on the webpage for the latest version. Anyone else notice this or is there a different way I’m missing?
  12. Thanks for checking! 5 years is a long time in plug in land.
  13. I paid more for the LXP bundle ( Cut back reverb only) back in the day. They don’t offer upgrade deals. I’m not sure they have updated this any time recently. Last time I checked it hadn’t been updated in years. (Away from my music PC next several days to check. )
  14. Anyone use this? Don’t see much about it.
  15. Anyone know if it renews at this price ?
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