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Everything posted by Monomox

  1. she looks like she's doing fine
  2. Oooooor, hear me out, they could fix their old plugins so that they would not crash my DAW. Just an idea.
  3. I kept checking their website as IRs became more common and more companies got in the game, but their pricing structure remained as rigid and expensive as ever. ?‍♂️
  4. $49 for the license and the headaches for FREE?!! Sign me up! LOL, I'm just a cynical, jaded, disillusioned owner of BFD2 from the FXpansion days who experienced first FXpansion's neglect and then inMusic's absolute ineptitude, please don't mind me
  5. How about another compressor?
  6. more like "Affordable Form" amirite?
  7. makes sense... for all the dust 90% of my plugins are collecting
  8. this sale reminds me I have a bunch of PA plugins I need to hide, I'm suffering some serious anti-GAS, yawn I haven't recovered from IKMM's slapping a plugin on my face 25 consecutive times
  9. WRONG! Some of them look like they were made in 2004. ? Since this is a Waves thread let me add that some of their plugins look like they were made by the War Games sfx unit
  10. I still have the latest FXpansion version installed and have lost hope that BFD3 will ever be what it once was--the closest competition to SD3. It's been two years since inmusic acquired bfd3 and the best someone can say about it is that the authorization has been working "for some time" for "many" people. Sheesh.
  11. I want to say I'm disappointed that there is no time-limited, but 100% functional demo of Modo Bass 2. Pre-recorded demos are not a good way of testing the capabilities and ease of use of a plugin. MB2 is not sample-based, so I don't understand why not letting users get the full feel of the plugin for a couple of weeks.
  12. Peter, I'm about to leave on a road trip, for how long will Modo Bass 1 users be able to upgrade to MB2 for the discounted price? Thanks.
  13. I was thinking about it but the interface is ugly, hard to read (unless the GUI is so big it doesn't fit on the screen) and hard to use Tantra 1 and Thorn had good interfaces, what a pity
  14. buy one plugin, pay two WUPs a year for life
  15. here's a free death whistle library https://www.boomlibrary.com/sound-effects/free-sounds-death-whistle/ haven't check Soundiron's lib, but this one has some bone-chilling shrieks
  16. Kia? Pfff! I wanted a Bentley synth!
  17. According to their website, this is a subscription I suppose some of the products are yours to keep (like MIDIs), but others may come in proprietary formats that would require a subscription-based plugin. I've never bought anything from these people, so ?‍♂️
  18. Hadn't seen SSS this cheap ever ($48)
  19. Monomox


    If s/he visits this forum, my message is this: sample/replicate the Cinematic Orchestra drums! More specifically, from the Every Day album create all the aliases you want, blow smoke up your own ***, I don't care, I'll buy that Kontakt library
  20. It's all good, I only agreed to having another child because I had forgotten we already had one, so...
  21. I'm only bumping because this thread has been abandoned for 3 minutes, I think this is an important topic that's not getting enough attention EDIT: wow, my 666th post ?!!
  22. I got SampleTron about 6 weeks ago and the points today. The points say "IK Gift Points." I think they're just in recognition of my good looks. EDIT: maybe they realized some of us didn't get points from sampletron?
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