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Everything posted by sadicus

  1. In this example: Project 1 : 48/24bit 150 BPM Project 2: 48/24 bit 110 BPM I want to export audio track from Project1 over to Project 2 and need the the Pitch of the imported audio to stay the same yet match the 110 BPM. How to politely ask the 150 BPM audio to play nice in the 110 BPM project?
  2. This was original suppose to be a question. I am not finding my saved presets, doing a full C drive scan, but where are these presets saved? Is This the path where presets saved? C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core ~ this Forum and software is awesome!
  3. Is there a way to have Cakewalk sort ports in order? https://divisimate.com/cakewalk-quickstart/
  4. try this 1) Split the midi into "clips" 2) right click your midi and select "Piano Roll View" it has many options to view the midi notes and a layer system.
  5. Anyone using Divisimate + Cbb? Looking for a good tutorial and a template to use in Cakewalk.
  6. Is there an option to set every Plugins Default to: "Give all Keystrokes to Plugin"? several times I look up and notice the entire UI has hanged or an edit has occurred because I thought the changes were to the plugin.
  7. Greetings! I was organizing Projects today and noticed, two <<L R>> buttons for presets yet there are none. How to save EQ Presets? Not he complete Pro Channel, just a preset for the EQ.
  8. I didn't even notice that data in the Left Track Strip, thanks for pointing that out!
  9. Hi, opened another Ye Olde project and getting MIDI change message (or something) that keeps changing the instruments i select to something different. Looking for workflow, a way to when these projects are opened, there are a series of steps taken to make sure MIDI is not taking control of everything like the Borg. 1) ON PLAY - chnl 5, something is changing the instrument from "Synth Pad Fantasia" to a Trumpet. 2) What are these two Unlabeled columns that have numbers? 3) is there an Event In specter besides the one on the top toolbar? turned everything off in Event Manager except "NOTE" and the program Patch change still happens. HOW to stop MIDI changing Banks or Patches?
  10. Whats the routing needed to record the Arp from Z3TA as MIDI? Using Aux track will record the audio, but notrMIDI
  11. @Noel Borthwick Thank you! ...I keep forgetting we can route ANYTHING now
  12. @David Baay ..well, looky there. You're Brilliant! (fixed the image) although it still records the MIDI, not Audio.
  13. Thanks, but Not sure what you mean. Unless you mean to Spit the Simple track apart first?
  14. I think this might be where AUX and Patch point are used , but so far I can only get Bounce to track to work if there is already MIDI to work with. How to setup Cbb to record a Simple Instrument track in Real-time? (not to record MIDI, but the actual sound from the bus) Simple Instrument track--->BUS [effects]---> MASTER
  15. I'm interested in this comment to change Buffer size between 128 (for playback) and 1024 (for some plugins to not sound distorted) "some DAWs have a global switch" Does Cbb have this? This is the only way I'm aware of: Edit>Pref>Driver Settings ASIO change buffer size
  16. Does Cbb have a Noise reduction Analyzer? (similar to Audacity)
  17. Convert any 440hz to 432hz or Solfeggio Frequency Not sure if there is a plugin to do this or if Cbb can do this directly. What tools and setup are needed to do this in Cakewalk?
  18. PENDING 1) Does "MIDI OUT" it need to be set in both the "VST3" dropdown AND the plugin? 2) from every plugin into PanFlow, the Input threshold is very low even though it's loud in the headphones. SOLVED Turn off "SYNC" The distortion i was hearing was just from the osculating wave being to fast with the default tempo. How to setup PanFlow + MIDI OUT (VST2, VST3 both have same issue) When audio threshold is reached, No pan, yet there is distortion but not from clipping. This plugin (so far) is not panning out ? Anyway, looking for a simple setup just to get it working. TESTED: Track 1 Basic Piano + PanFlow as Effect Track 2 Guitar Line IN + PanFlow as Effect Track 2 Guitar Line IN (Stereo/ Mono) MASTER: PanFlow as Effect
  19. Is an Articulation Map the best way to get VST plugins to match Piano Roll? There might be a simple MIDI setting to change, but i'm not sure. There are a few plugins where the notes are offset. and C1 etc. has to actually be C2 for the key switch to work.
  20. Request - amplesound Guitar articulation map https://www.amplesound.net/en/download.asp ~ cheers
  21. When using Export Audio, Where to find the list of all the mixing data sentences? such as: "Flushing 18 Plugins"
  22. Looking for Cbb user advice on a good simple to use Chord Detection that has a larger display than the default "Chord Analyzer" works great but it's not resizable and tiny on a large monitor.
  23. How do you use the Track db zoom so it's at a good level yet also visible? Just looking for advice Before I Make a template with every track zoomed in so I don't need to do this every time. Here is what's going on, the first two tracks are already zoomed in. 1) record a line in clean guitar track at -18 for headroom later on. 2) but the visual WAV looks like a flat line so... 3) mouse over the track db (to get the magnify option) then use the magnify to make the WAV vertically taller and visible.
  24. Most of the AUX + Patchpoints tutorials show a setup: Track 1 DRY Track 2 WET Track 3 (recorded mix of dry/wet) Would selecting track 1 and 2 "Bounce to track" have the same Track 3 result?
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