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Everything posted by sadicus

  1. Thanks for letting me know. restart PC and try again. A-300 Pro ---> connected via USB - in and out of Cakewalk works as expected XP-30---> connected via MIDI - input in and out of Cakewalk works as expected New project + Scaler image 1) created a simple 2 chord pattern drag with Link on / off same result.
  2. Scaler 2 version 2.7.3. as VST3 is so fun! There is this strangeness, "MIDI CAPTURE" then drag notes to a track, is placing a stack of extra notes in every pitch. What are some things to check, Anyone know why this happens and how to avoid , ? The notes are very tiny, so didn't notice this was happening at first. also Posted this at Scaler forum.
  3. 1)Event List - what exactly does Multi select allow to be multiselected AND changed at the same time? 2) What's the procedure to change various multiselcted notes to the same pitch? (all theses selected notes equal to E)
  4. After Deleting "Section 1 - Section 4" The next created default will be "Section 5" Is there a way to reset the auto counting? So it would start over at "Section 1" etc.
  5. Without changing the Project Tempo, How to Time Stretch MIDI by an exact amount?150%or 25.5% Shift+Ctrl Clip, Time Stretch is giving values like 114%
  6. Thanks, I have everything working and don't want to mess it up. But several Programs scan all the VST3 files and I only need a few. If I can just move the stray vst3 into folders, then scan will be much more efficient. So as long as the vst3 are located in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3Common Files vst3 location it should work.
  7. if vst3 files are placed outside of the path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3Common Files vst3 Will it effect performance or cause any issues in Cakewalk? Many vst3 files are not in folders, and a scan will look at EVERYTHING. I want to make custom folder with a select few vst, but that means duplicating the vst3 or moving it into a folder.
  8. Will Scaler2 work in a VEP7 setup? It seems the idea is to Offload all VST plugins to VEP7 and leave Cakewalk to record and mix. Not sure if all VST such as Scaler can be setup this way or would work correctly?
  9. How to delete Multiple Tracks CC1 Control Data example Project contains many tracks that have CC1 (Modulation) data that needs a good deleting. 1) Select All tracks 2) Edit> Select by Filter (only chose Control) This will Unselect all your tracks (so they wont get deleted) THEN 3) Edit> Delete
  10. Built in useful tools, just need a refresh!
  11. Looking for some "MIDI Step Record" tutorials, although there are lots for Step Sequencer. Is the Step Sequencer the new / preferred way to make Arp patterns? Not Trying to make drum patterns just some Synth and piano Arps.
  12. These are useful tools, yet the UI is tiny and not resizable. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Plug-ins.3.html
  13. Hi @Lynn WilsonCan you explain? It's set to : OMNI IN, Channel 1, MASTER OUT
  14. How do we get VST3 Plugins to MIDI out? I've noticed this on a few other plugins as well. How to get an Arp Pattern out of SoundPaint and onto a Track? (looking for drag/drop MIDI) SoundPaint - A Few Issues 1) Create a Loop 2) step record a pattern in SoundPaint Arp 3) Sync with DAW 4) Play 5) The Arp in Sound Paint is Doubling Notes then when it loops to the start it plays one singlew note 6x. It sounds more like RANDOM than the note pattern A-D-F-D-F-D restart and setup again with same results.
  15. This is also something that works well. Just making a text file with all the song info and only a few important tags in the file name. or both. Both favorites. When the power goes out it won't matter anyway. ~ redundancy department.
  16. ~ Thanks, I really appreciate all the helpful suggestions! ...so I just need to pick a naming convention and stick to it. As each Project is opened, re-name using the new Naming convention and make sure the Folder + Projects + Exported Audio are all the same. like what @Tom Taylor listed, I need to figure out some meaningful shorthand for all this info! The BAND name will tell me what playing style is happening. (Heavy, Classical, Orchestral, Quad Tapping,, etc.) 1) How dangerous would it be to rename Folders and Projects outside of Cakewalk, Would it mess with the linked Audio? Some projects are outside of a folder and there are a few loose "Audio" folders that's one reason I'm trying to get this figured out. The names for the different Tuning is a challenge, open for suggestions. Semantics is an issue Like "KEY" for Legend or symbols not the key of the Song. Capo, with a K makes more sense since "K" is not a musical note, but ...well look up that word. 2) can we use "(6}" or "[8]" in a file and Project name? TAGS NECESSARY IN FILE NAME BAND - SONG - DATE - GUITAR + STRING# - TUNE- CATEGORY - VERSION TAG IDEAS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A-440Hz STRING # 6S = Six String / Nylon = 6SNY / Acoustic = 6SAC 7S = Seven String 8S = Eight String QT - Quad Tap TUNE 6S ..................................................................................................E.-A-D-G-B-e 6S Drop D (E down to D).....................................................D-A-D-G-B-e 6S Drop C (E down to C) Capo 3rd Fret at (A-e) .......C-C-D-G-B-e / Open Strings (C-A-D-G-B-e) 6S HSB (Heart Shaped Box)...............................................D-A-E-A-C-e 7S............................................................................................G-C-G-C-F-A-D 8S.................................................................................F# B D A D G B e drop D = dD 6S drop C = 6S dC c3a-e (this looks atrocious! lol) Godin(6) drpC 3rdFrtCapo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Example (Old Version) FOLDER: 2019 Epics Godin 1 2019 Epics Godin 1.cwp 2019 Epics Godin 1.wav Example (New Version) FOLDER: Elef Luna Oscura 2019-04-30 Godin dD DEM 01 Elef Luna Oscura 2019-04-30 Godin dD DEM 01.cwp Elef Luna Oscura 2019-04-30 Godin dD DEM 01.wav 8 String Guitar Project Example (Old Version) qt_agile8_mosquito_sketch01_MASTER.cwp Example (New Version) QT Mosquito 2012-10-02 Agile 8S dD TRK 01
  17. usually purchase VST from PluginBotique, I just noticed: BestService also has sales but never tried it. Any CBB forum members use this site?
  18. XO looks like a fun way to organize and view WAV files. Anyone using this in Cakewalk and not necessarily for drums? SALE pluginboutique XO
  19. Sorry, i'm not understanding what's what in this setup. There's the actual Hardware (APC) A-PRO controller and then the (CUI) Controller UI that mimics the APC.
  20. Is there a way to Copy Region FX to new Clip? Currently for each clip: Insert RFX then Load a preset
  21. I was trying to do two things: 1) Use the A-PRO as a transport controller with a long USB cord 2) Use A-PRO to control specific Synth Rack controls. Anyway, The connection is working now at least Play/Stop from the Hardware is working. Is this what you mean, the A-PRO Controller? (i'm not sure why "Neutron" is displayed, there is no instance in the project.)
  22. Scaler2 = S2 Anyone using Scaler2 + Cakewalk Audio Setup? The MIDI version I understand and works as expected. The Audio version, not so much. Does S2 need to be Inserted on the Audio track, or Does S2 need to be it's own Simple Instrument and Audio Routed to it? A few setups tried: Cakewalk MIDI Setup 1) Track with Recorded Audio + S2 is added to this Track to detect Chords 2) When S2 is ON = Cannot hear the Tracks audio as notes are detected. 3) When S2 is OFF = then the Tracks audio as is audible.
  23. I have confidence the CBB team can make it look and function way better than this silly image, but I've really wanted something like this since SONAR days. lol
  24. When Using as controller: (PLAY, STOP) A-Pro Hardaware "ACT" button on = ? When Using as just as Keyboard: A-Pro Hardaware "ACT" button on = ? This just happened: 1) After setting up All correct A-PRO settings, Close Cakewalk 2) A-PRO USB = Powered On 3) Open Cakewalk 4) as soon as CBB launches A-PRO "ACT" button turns orange (on) 5) Transport Buttons work as expected A-PRO LCD reads: Control Map 19 (i must have made this the default) In Cakewalk> Utility> A-PRO1 Software control surface THE "ENABLE" Button = on
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