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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Thanks for the heads up LJ Night time Diva looks pretty nice. Any other recommendations?
  2. Wotja is a generative music program with a long history and one of it's early incarnations was used by Brian Eno. It is available on a number of platforms; Mac, IPad OS, Windows and Android - https://intermorphic.com/wotja/21/#downloads Apple users get the best deal as their single purchase works on both Mac and IPad OS as they share a common store. Wotja 22 is due out on 1 Jan 2022 with intro pricing available now on pre-order. Wotja 21 is also currently on sale at 40% off but only includes updates until end 2021 (still worthwhile unless you need the new features in Wotja 22). Note: Due to Windows store limitations, there isn't a pre-order for Windows Wotja 22 but it will be on intro pricing from 1 Jan 22 for a limited period. Lite versions are free to use but with limited functionality. Further details on these links... New features in v22 - https://intermorphic.com/blog/posts/211214-Wotja-22-Will-Be-Here-Soon.html v21 overview - https://intermorphic.com/wotja/21/ https://intermorphic.com/about/
  3. Just received an email from PSP. I did a search and couldn't see it posted. @Fleer see 1! CHANGES & NEW FEATURES: 1. Apple Silicon native support, 2. Added high resolution graphics for VST2.4 and VST3 and AAX formats for Windows PC 3. Added high resolution graphics and retina support for VST2.4, VST3, AAX and AU formats for macOS 4. The brand new Preset System - added sorting presets by categories; added Undo/Redo functionality; improved A/B functionality; improved save/load preset experience; 5. New graphical engine for MAC computers: overall smoothness improvement, 6. New graphical engine for MAC computers: reduced CPU drain, 7. Optimized loading times of GUI (MAC & PC), BUG FIXES: 1. Minor bugs fixed, 2. Improved compatibility with the latest versions of popular DAWs, 3. Improved compatibility with the latest systems. KNOWN PROBLEMS: - routing problem on multi channel (more than 2 channels) tracks in Reaper. The right channel is muted when the VST 3 plug-in is inserted. We advice to use VST 2.4. version on such tracks. TO BE DONE: 1. Improving stability between VST3 version of the plugin and Ableton Live host application, 2. Proper track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two. Download from your account
  4. Captain Plugins. I know it's not really an instrument although it comes with some pretty decent sounds (e.g. Piano Strings) and Beat for drums. I just find the UI extremely clunky and unintuitive compared to other similar things and the constant need to "phone home" is also frutsrating. There's allegedly a new version out soon so I will keep my fingers crossed for an improved experience.
  5. Thanks Larry! Just had a look on the Sound Yeti website to see if there's a trial version but no luck. I will have a listen to the demos/YouTube videos. In the meantime, I see that you posted about their free stuff already but in case anyone missed it here's your post.
  6. Thanks @Variorum ??? You should have a "donate" button somewhere on your website for all the effort you put into this.
  7. Is this a good one Larry? (notwithstanding comments by @Fleer ?
  8. Just found this old thread and thought I would bring it back to life. I have been following developments with this over on KVR here https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=509932 I have recently tried the Basic version of Synthesiser V with the demo version of Eleanor Forte AI and the results are pretty good considering I didn't really tweak anything, just typed in the words and drew the notes (I'm also using Nectar to create a single vocal harmony). https://soundclick.com/r/s8js4m Here's another I just did with something a bit more appropriate for the time of year using the new ANRI lite voice (with a small amount of Boz Provocative on the vocal). The pronunciation is slightly off in places but this could probably be tweaked further once I know what I'm doing (or maybe in the full version). https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14360315 Some of the demos using the full version are pretty amazing and there are more and more voices in the works or released. Solaria AI based on the voice of Emma Rowley, in particular, sounds amazing.
  9. Yes, got to agree with all of this Simon. My main point to Kurre was to try installing the demo through Jamstix Manager if he hasn't tried that already and see if that works any better. One point is that Jamstix does seem to scale a bit better on my Ultrawide monitor; which is my main gripe with EZDrummer (and EZKeys). UI Scaling is a long overdue addition. Agree that 3D drums was not top of my wish list (actually wasn't even on the wish list). At the end of the day, I see it as another drum option which I would rather have than be without (especially when bought at the sale prices). I also wish the dev would "get back on board" with the development. A decent development plan based on customer requests would be a start.
  10. @Kurre Did you try downloading the demo using the Jamstix 4 Manager? https://www.rayzoon.com/rayzoon_downloads.html I have full Jamstix with all expansions and the Jamstix Manager works reliably for me (Windows 10). I am running 4.5.0 Beta 1 which seems pretty reliable so far and the previous non-beta was also fine (you can enable beta installs in the Jamstix Manager under Install Options).
  11. Just catching up with all of this! @Simeon Amburgey Fun Santa track ??! I also enjoyed your demo track (Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas) which Skippy plays here https://youtu.be/OhzQNu9-WLY?t=3086
  12. I have tried this now on a few songs where I had previously used Pro-L 2 (with Oxford Inflator in some cases) and I have to say the results are very favourable even using the auto mode. Definitely worth trying if you are on the fence. I am going to get the crossgrade. Makes me think I should give Smart EQ 3 another go.
  13. I keep thinking that they might add Amp Room: Marshall Edition to the HOLIDAYSPECIALS sale. This contains the Plexi, Silver Jubilee, JMP 2203, & Bluesbreaker 1962–and the eight cabs from Marshall Cabinet Collection. However, my current upgrade price from standard Amp Room to Marshall Edition is 178 EUR, so it seems better to grab each of these $19 deals and make my own Marshall Edition piece by piece. Does that make sense, or am I missing something that Amp Room: Marshall Edition would include by doing it this way? Of course I'm assuming that all Marshall Edition amps will eventually be in the HOLIDAYSPECIAL sale which might not happen.
  14. After installing those updates I just got a Nectar 3 Plus update (to v3.6.2) in the portal. I searched but didn't see it posted already.
  15. Oops, you're right; already posted. This stuff flies past so fast at this time of year I must of missed it! And I didn't search before I posted.. hangs head in shame.
  16. I also noticed updates for VocalSynth 2 (to v2.4.1) and Relay (to v1.2.1).
  17. I haven't seen any announcement on that front Fleer, but I think Shane said that he would be publishing an M1 version "soon" and that improved performance couldn't be guaranteed.
  18. Download from your account or https://www.ilio.com/unify-updates Skippy's video (also covers MM Keys his new piano library coming Friday)... Sale is storewide until 5 January and does not include Unify and RetroSphere 2.
  19. Omnisphere Changes 2.8.2c Fixes issue where Ableton Live Rack presets saved with Custom Controls patches did not display the Custom Controls page when reloaded Fixes issue where the Modulation Target Parameter sliders did not function correctly Fixes issue where the On/Off buttons on Granular Zoom pane could sometimes show the wrong state after clicking on it Fixes issue where the Orb Dice button could sometimes display the incorrect highlight state Fixes issue where the Orb did not record as long as expected in Motion mode Fixes issue where the Layer solo on/off indicators were not properly updated after loading a patch Fixes issue where Attack, Decay, and Release Envelope parameters read from existing patches were limited to 20 seconds Fixes issue where the "Realism" control in Keyscape Factory patches could freeze the GUI temporarily Fixes crash that could occur when rapidly changing patches with Custom Controls Fixes issue where Soundsource version numbers for Satellite instruments were not displayed on the splash pane Windows only: Fixes issue where playing MIDI notes while a Soundsource is loading could cause CPU spikes and audio glitches Windows only: Fixes issue where playing a Soundsource with Thinning enabled could cause CPU spikes and audio glitches VST3: Fixes issue where loading a VST3 preset from a Host could cause incorrect info to be displayed on the GUI VST3: Fixes issue where creating new parameter automation assignments did not work in REAPER and Bitwig Studio
  20. I have this and it's a pretty large selection of synth patches from various eras if you don't want to stump up for Vintage Vault 3. I have also Unified the whole 3,554 patches as a bonus for Unify owners (you need to own full Unify and UVI SA3).
  21. We seem to be on the same wavelength where synths are concerned ac ?? I have the same preset banks apart from Luftrum 23 which is on the wishlist. The totals in the spreadsheet are just the factory patches which is what I use to check my Unified totals. It's not allowed to publish non factory Unified patches, but I have Unified those 4 that came out with v3 for my own use.
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