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Everything posted by SmokeyJ628

  1. Those outside the US could have an American purchase it and just email you the code when it arrives in the post.
  2. But you can't upgrade individual products at 3rd party resellers.
  3. Will this end up on the Native Instruments site? i was expecting it to come up today, but so far, nothing.
  4. They're from the KVR Audio thread about it.
  5. Awesome news. Can't believe this!
  6. As noted on KVR, the full version of Arturia's V-collection 7 is roughly $210 at Best service (for download) and you can use the coupon on top of that. https://www.bestservice.com/v-collection_7.html
  7. The story of WK's ban has much more to it than that. The people that attacked him on KVR have asked to be removed many times over years and years from his email lists. He claims he does it and then a few months later they get email from him again. Over and over and over again. With the newest regulations on email spam (remember all those new opt-ins in the last year?), not only is it bad etiquette, it's against the law. They pointed out their inability to be removed after trying to do so time and time again, and then maliciously WK put their email addresses in a system so they would receive spam from companies from all over the world. It was confirmed to have originated from Brazil (where he lives). That was the straw that broke the camel's back. He also frequently has people pay for items that are never delivered and he just abandons. That's gotten companies banned from KVR just for that (Cryosonic anyone?), and he's done it over years and years.
  8. The bundle at JRR with the "group" coupon code is $91.56. Good deal, but I wonder what Toontrack's EZBass will bring to the table.
  9. At least on Windows, it's pretty quick to set up the libraries and such to install on another drive. You do it once, and you never have to think about it again.
  10. White Grand has a wonderful sound (and I own a lot of pianos, virtual and real).
  11. I'm always happy to see companies that continue to improve drivers for older products.
  12. I just got a correct download link for RYM2612 from Reverb via Message so hopefully yours will arrive soon.
  13. I had the same issue with RYM2612 and Reverb apologized and have said they have contacted Inphonik. I'm sure it will be sorted soon.
  14. Can you be more specific about which items you can choose when you buy the $99 crossgrade? In particular, what is the highest priced option if you go that route?
  15. I went digging for deals on reverb.com and purchased great ones: d16 Group Plasticicks (sample pack)--$9 Boz Digital Sasquatch--$15.20 (it was $19 with 20% off) Boz Digital Panther--$15.20 (same) Inphonik RYM2612 vst--$20 (this is the Sega Genesis FM vst) Ethno World 6 Instruments Upgrade--$7.20 (!!!!!!!!) Ethno World 6 Voices Upgrade--$5.60 (!!!!!!)* *I own a cut down version of Ethno 4...and these upgrades worked! Several of these deals are still on. Definitely at least check the Boz Digital sales if you're into those.
  16. Should qualify you for the group buy at their msrp price levels. Nice deal. How did you find this one Larry?
  17. I wonder if you have to pay full price in order to use it for the group buy.
  18. Wonder what the regular price is going to be and how long the introductory price lasts.
  19. Nope. As noted in my post, you have to change the currency to EUROs to get the price. It's still at 64.5 Euros.
  20. This is the pack where you choose three from among any of the available EZX expansions for EZDrummer (also work in Superior). You have to Pay in Euros to get this. The price without VAT is 64.50 Euros. This is the cheapest you'll see it as usually it's around $120. In fact, in the other currencies, it's that expensive. I'm thinking this might be a price error. Three EZX's (including any of the newest ones) for $72 is as low as you'll get EZXs. Plus you can hold on to the serials for new packs in the future. Link: https://www.timespace.com/products/toontrack-ezx-value-pack
  21. Link works for me. I also visited the site yesterday.
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