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Everything posted by SPAK
I know it's bubble gum music but it's fun to play ...thanks Much appreciate the input .. and from ya good self ! made up mate thanks Do like to keep on the other side of WTF ! thanks for the input Added to my comment above but many thanks. Given your stuff this is a bit lame but knock out that you like it .. Thanks for listening Gary
Thanks for the trip Garry .. and in my very humble opinion I think it sounds right now, squeeze box, drums and vocal .. but most of all it's a great song 10/10 man ? Steve
Talent ! Great stuff my friend ... shows how to write and mix, I would love to see the making of socks n the tube .. for me, I can never have too much sax ?
Very wise ? and thanks for the meaning .
I enjoyed the song, I would be interested in what message you were sending ( as a lyrics kinda guy ) .. or maybe there's not a message ..anyhow it is another KLOON tune that works well to me ... other than a couple of things I noticed. I feel it is a little longer than I think it should be, and although your vocal work is on the money the way it's sang feels very much like your reading from a sheet of words without really feeling them, if that makes sense. Thanks for posting All the best SPAK
Will do! Let me know how you get on with the 688 ..OK ? Steve
To my ears I think you've nailed it on the old squeeze box ... next I think you need to address the drum EQ by taking out some of the bass and separating the kit a little ... remix and you are done! well done m8 Steve
Many thanks Paul and for the kind comment Steve
Try taking it out of the song completely and make a second attempt at getting the feel of what's happening to the sound as you play around with it. I never like commenting like this as it looks a bit big headed and with all the talent here I'm a long way down the food chain but given time I know you'll get it right. Just a thing, the song I've just put up took me approximately 4 weeks to mix ...so I know it's hard but hopefully fun ............. hopefully OOoo yes Just to say that's a smashing pic on SC you look real happy ....
Thanks Mate, we've grown a lot from the mother site ... have we not? Maybe one day we'll all be millionaires ? Stay well Steve
Hi Gary, Can I take it that your recording the real instrument? If so, it maybe your Mic, and that said I would use a condenser (or two) as it would have a crisper result than a dynamic. From there I would try two tracks or possibly even three and use the full spectrum for the LRC, applying some delicate EQ to the L&R recording and all but removing the lower range on the center track might be the feel your looking for .. I would suggest that this mix be put on a separate bus so as to fine tune it to where it will sit in the mix, and then to home and out. All that said it's a great song! and if the guys here like it (me also) and your not selling it ... Don't knock yourself out just have fun ? All the best Steve
Great vocal work Excellent!
Hi Jesse Couldn't differentiate really for critic, and I don't normally comment on your stuff as I don't 'get it', but this is bloody good, my wife asked wtf was I listening too and as Lynn said, John and Yoko came to mind ...not sure if she believed me ... don't think so ..... Thanks, and for what it's worth the mix is spot on for this stuff. Steve
This is just beautiful, I have been to Scotland as a kid ...brings good mems back. This is a song that I'd love to do as I've never come across it before .. (BTW it's great to have Bill back for comments) Thanks Bjorn great work! Steve
Blimey! I'm back in the 60's Great demo and thanks for the post ... loved it ..... Now where's that Watneys Red Barrel ??
Hi Mate, you have a nice tune here with a great story line so all good there, I feel as if the instruments have been mixed as one track without any sub mix to eq and bring the whole thing out. The guitar playing is good the squeeze box is on the money and the beat fits .... it may be my old ears or the cans, but it sounds a bit muddy, even through the monitors there's a mid range cloudiness. I've seen your gear so I know you can bring this out a bit, and your correct IMO about the vox being too harsh ...that said Iike this a lot but I feel it could do with another mix ... hope that helps but it's only my thinking ...and you did ask for ops on it. All the best Steve
Pure talent . . . . Thanks for the share .. just loved it! Steve
Takes a bit of time understanding the beast but worth the effort .it's still a great bitokit ..looking forward to what you do on it .... SPAK
Hi guys, as usual there's a lot of astute listening done here so .. I took off the ending lead vocal track because of the trolls on Soundcloud, the song isn't complete without the last chorus part...but that's OK I have the finished vers in the studio. The whole work was started on Plat and then moved to CB 10 pro, mainly because ( for some reason I can't be bothered with) when using loads of multi tracks, it tends to freeze (always when you least expect) .. To date I'm looking into the Eq thing, side chaining and proper use of dynamics ... I figured at my age I should at least try, as mixing stuff is key to the songs I do.. and for the sake of repeating myself, you picked the heavy fly in the ointment Tom, the bass is too high, although I toned it down a bit and then brought down the Eq where it felt kind of muddy ...as said, I'm trying stuff out and as this is supposed to be a bit EDM, I left it in ... but I take your point so thanks mate . As regards to doing it live .. now that would be a gas ! LOL. The tech side of this work involved 4 lead vocal lines, 4 instances of chorus using a TC Helicon VL touch, 3 different drum kits each having 6 to 8 separate tracks and 5 guitar tracks so I had 6 busses to mix down to and then out to home where I put a touch more Eq and compression. Before the uploading I run the whole song through Cyberlink Audio-director which if used with a delicate ear you have the ability to do fine adjustments .... To answer the question Are you doing strictly LCR or are you the type to use the entire space?, each track is located using the entire space because with so much going on the song would be too messy ... and I suppose as Tom has pointed out, I most probably missed the ball there .. Thanks all for the time spent ..it means a lot !! Steve
Just to add my admiration for your work as all here have said, plus I was blown away with the other work on the Tube ... Great stuff !! Steve
Well done mate, a real improvement from the original. Still think that lead guitar should have been move a little to the center with a touch more guts. As far as the lyrics go ... bloody great and you know from old I'm a lyrics lover so .... Vid has a message that smoothly integrates with the work without losing the thread, nice touch, must have taken a lot of thought, a n d time so all good there. Vocal work seems supa pro and the harmonies are right on the money ( Still feel a bit of Joe Walsh in there ). For me (listened on cans) the mix is correct ... I'm thinking it's one of your best songs Stay well Steve
That's a good mix of DAW's (IMO) ... Cubase has a great many tricks up its sleeve when you find them and Sonar plat has great tools for audio ( Breverb for one ), and they're my fave two DAW's . Pro Tools is expensive, but that said, If you get used to it, it feels like ( me anyway ) Sonar Plat's 'big brother'. My son does have Samplitude, X3, Mix bus and Reaper in hand but I never thought I needed them when he was demonstrating the progress of a song , however to be fair. he's a bass player and skin man .... for what that's worth, I'm a songwriter and he feels he's setup suits his stuff ... but Pro Tools is his fave''go to ' .... mine however is Cubase and Sonar plat ... As said
Now I am confused ...as the post above did ( to me anyway ) imply a sarcastic edge as it asked the question did you mean to post to another forum, I made the comment 'cause I thought it needed defending as I felt all DAW's were fair game to a songwriter ... should have stuck to the brief and minded my own ... SPAK
Not sure of your intent here ... are you implying you should only be using Sonar? ?