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Everything posted by SPAK

  1. SPAK

    Skin Tight

    Nice work ... loved the lead guitar, great song writing ? Steve
  2. SPAK

    An Artist - video

    What a breath of fresh air my friend .. so much talant ! Thankyou for sharing such a great post ...loved it very much Regards Steve
  3. SPAK


    Thankyou for the comment ...and the ending was cut due to errors in the mix, the keyboard was a DX7 .. so yep it is past its sell by but back then a great sound ..still got it, it's another ' just in case' bit of gear .. the wife hates me for the ' Just in case ' stuff, ... but hey we're all blokes ... it's with the offcuts of wood
  4. SPAK


    Thanks for listening Jerry ?
  5. SPAK


    John I did this many moons ago using a Tascam 688 then copied to Plat, the rythm was recorded in real time on a bounced sterio track so I couldn't remove it ... I've got better over the years, but yes, I really feel that it could do with a revamp, possibly without a rythm track as you suggest. Thing is this song holds a bit history and so I'll keep it for the time being. Thanks mate ... good idea Steve
  6. SPAK


    When I read stuff from people such as yourself and appreciate the work they do, to be given their accolade is worth so much ... sounds a bit soft but true. This song has a real special meaning to me, just wish J.W HAD played on the recording. Thankyou for your ears mate .. I'm made up ?
  7. SPAK


    Thankyou Guys I didn't see your comment as this was posted some time ago ... as always I really do appreciate the comment ? Keep those songs coming !! All the best Steve
  8. Please post the lyrics Jesse ... I've been intrigued with your stuff since the start, when people never made a comment, I suppose I don't always understand your music but there's always a message .... This is a very Dylan like , ... well to me anyway ..good stuff fella Regards Steve
  9. Hi guys, What a smashing lyric, I love that they fit together and paint a picture without the lyricist thinking, not so much about rhyme although this does indeed rhyme, but the intention ... Must have taken a good lot of hours working this one out to get it right, and I agree with Bjorn when he says this is one of your best. It think the mix may need a tweak here and there as I felt the reverb was a little to wet on the guitars and the vocal ( Did you use the same type for Vox and guitar ?) could be a lot dryer but with a longer delay so separating that lovely backing from your voice. Peter Asher ( Jane's brother ) of Peter and Gorden fame, had the same kind of vibe to his songs back in the 60s ....nice one ... thanks for the post I really enjoyed it ... I'll go have another listen now ? ATB Steve
  10. Technically so profesh ... great performance Thanks for the share ... really enjoyed the breath of fresh and live stuff (Love to know what gear you used,cutting and syncing is brilliant) Steve
  11. SPAK

    Eileen Aroon

    Absolutely beautiful .... Steve
  12. SPAK

    Halloween Night

    Do detect a bit of Toccata and Fugue ? ...Anyway great work an' bloody scary'ish ? Steve
  13. So glad you were not offended ..I really got the lyric and I did a 'salmon shot' as I felt I needed to give you more the usual 'well done that's a great song' kinda hype we all have a tendency to give each other here .. this has something spesh and a little more than what you have given .. I do a lot of freebe mixing and mastering plus the odd lyric insert for people l feel didn't have what I have now (or had a kid and wanted) .. I know we're not kids anymore but I just feel this song has a message not delivered ... I have a couple of people .. well quite a few .. I really Iike to keep up with and listen to here, not always worth or worthy a comment such as I, but as it's not a paid for thing Hay Ho .... Glad it got you thinking though ..... plus wish we were closer, a good chat and few beers might put it to bed ...LOL Stay well mate Steve PS Refers :- I don't remember your song "Everything is grey", but I'd love to hear it again if you could pass a link along. You and James changed the overal feel and lyric ... (When we were Cakewalk ne Bandlab pa)
  14. Sorry mate, I just don't get the vibe on this one. Don't think the music fits the overall song and story, I've heard how good your guitar playing is and this song really needs that to replace the piano ... maybe in part. Am I right in thinking this is another mix from the one you pasted to SC, which I commented on compression ? Maybe not ... I feel that if possible you should take the lyrics (which are bloody good) and rework it with a cleaner less padded sound, your voice and the way you put the lyrics in the song are typically you and are a Lynn hallmark.. You once, a long time ago, suggested much the same on one of my songs ' Everything is Grey' Which I did and never regretted the advice so I'd say great lyric but ... Love ya Man so I hope this doesn't offend ATB Steve
  15. I know I commented on SC but I just wanted to say after a lot of listens to this I think overall it's a brilliant bit of wordsmithing and mixing ... send it to the BBC they might have a sitcom that needs this for a intro roll ... 10 out'a 10 from me though ( for wot it's worth )? ? Steve
  16. So are you gonna remix it ??
  17. Very talented you are ...thanks for the laugh and look forward to your future projects ! Steve
  18. SPAK


    Nice work with the NI picked Bjorn .. I bought this a couple of weeks ago but haven't had a chance to use it .. Sounds good, what settings were you using ? Stay well Steve
  19. Revisited as I needed a G fix .... ?
  20. Great balance on the mix ... very tight and everything in its place ... wonderful, Thanks for the posting. Steve
  21. SPAK


    Thanks for the compliment David ... and sorry about the ending ? Regards Steve
  22. SPAK


    Thanks for listening mate ... Steve
  23. SPAK


    Thanks Mate ... glad you had the patience to listen ... Been busy with a whole lot of bad sh** wondered how your doing with the studio ? Steve
  24. SPAK


    Thanks Daryl ..made up that you liked it ! Steve
  25. Well said my friend .. It's all about the fun .. still think your bloody good though ! (Just bad at endings LOL) All the best
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