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Panu Pentikäinen

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Everything posted by Panu Pentikäinen

  1. I've noticed for a long time that when I open the Console (by pressing Alt-2), there are often audio glitches during playback, but never when record is on. Is it possible to have the Console open without glitches during playback as well or has this been improved 'magically' in the latest update...? Small projects do not glitch but if there are say 50+ tracks and 100+ plugins, there is often some glitches in the audio - but only during playback.
  2. Low Latency Performance: After 18 working hours with the latest build and optimizations, I'm seeing improvements. I used RME buffer settings of 64 and 256. Despite unintentionally setting the buffer to 64, I was able to work with over 100 plugins and 50+ tracks without any glitches. Seems like the new version runs smoother and feels snappier.
  3. Is there keyboard shortcut available to change MIDI chanllel program number up/down?
  4. Press Scroll Lock key [again] on your keyboard to resume scrolling.
  5. There is no other way than check each clip manually or creating an utility which examines the CWP file and extracts that information.
  6. That bold text annoys me, too. Notes could with a little work support Rich Text Format.
  7. This is fixed as well. Now + works in in the Event Inspector, at least on my Finnish keyboard.
  8. Use more aggressive auto-save. I have set it to save project every 5 minutes or 30 changes. If Cakewalk crashes, my average loss is 2.5 minutes or less.
  9. I see "General error" after saving maybe 2-3 times per year. Auto-save is enabled. I always start/stop plaback and then the error goes away.
  10. Workaround found! I disconnected AxeFX III USB cable replaced it with MIDI IN/OUT cables connected to my audio interface. Pros: - Mouse problem disappeared instantly and I can use mouse in Cakewak like before. Cons: - Standard MIDI I/O is slow. Axe Edit III startup time is now over a minute. - One of the two MIDI I/O is now reserved for the Axe FX. This means more cabling work when I need to use rack synths.
  11. Dual monitor setup with NVIDIA GeForce 1070. Mouse works perfectly whenever Axe Edit III program is not running - problem starts after Axe Edit III has completed initialization on startup and is ready to use. And mouse behavior is healed as soon as I close the program or turn off power from Axe FX II MK 2. I tried to switch AxeFX and mouse to different USB ports - no effect. Also two different mouses (Logitech and Microsoft) tested - no effect. Next I will test if problem persist with Remote Desktop Connection and old PS/2 mouse.
  12. Spy++ No messages going to Axe Edit while mouse is inside Cakewalk.exe. Here is a snippet from mouse movement log while I was resizing track height. Line 000678: mouse xpos and yPos values are corrupted. This causes the track height resizing problem but it does not tell where the bug is (somewhere in Kernel?) . @Ben Staton & @Noel Borthwick, have you any idea..? Note to followers, just in case... This bug is not in Cakewalk but it makes using Cakewalk challenging.
  13. I tested Spy last night but for some reason I was not able to log messages. Might need some help as I've used that tool last time a decade ago..
  14. Small detail: when setting track height, it's actually not the mouse that jumps but the track height which grows 200 - 300 pixels.
  15. Nope. Axe Edit III is standalone program. That's why it IS weird.
  16. Interesting... What is your mouse model? Maybe there's something wrong in the Logitech drivers in my setup although all other programs work just fine. Also the older Axe Edit for AxeFX II did not have this issue.
  17. Has anybody else seen this? If you have Fractal Audio Axe Edit III running while using Cakewalk, it somehow disturbs mouse double-clicks and resizing events: more than half of the double-clicks are not registered in Cakewalk and if resizing for example track height, it may jump suddenly to unexpected height. As soon as Axe Edit III is closed, mouse works perfectly again. I do not see this behavior in other programs like Firefox, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere, After Effects or Microsoft Word while Axe Edit III is open. Can anyone repro this? My mouse is Logitech M185. EDIT: My Axe FX 3 MK II is connected via USB to PC but for audio I use AES/EBU. USB is for the firmware updates only. EDIT2: When starting Axe Edit III, mouse works OK while user presets and cabinets are read. Problem arises when Axe Edit III has completed all initializations and is ready for use. EDIT3: I tried other free USB 2.0 and 3.0 slots for the Axe FX III MK II USB cable. No effect. EDIT4: Video track height: same issue but Cakewalk fixes height immediately after the glitch unlike when resizing track height. EDIT5: Issue is in the busses, too. EDIT6: I think this issue is in the system level: when resizing windows of many other programs, they may too blink momentarily to wrong height but window size jumps back to mouse location when the next mouse location is read. I suspect Axe FX III's USB driver is the cause for this problem. EDIT7: Changed title.
  18. I think plug-ins are the bottleneck in exporting audio: if one FX is slow and uses only one core then the others need to wait for that.
  19. That would work! The setting "0" (Use playback buffer size) is another not so obvious thing to understand. I bet most people think 0 = No buffer. It could be stated more clearly in the Export Audio window.
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