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Panu Pentikäinen

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  1. Sonar: oversampling off. My sample rate is always 48k. Serum 2 oversampling: I have selected the 'worst' option already. I tried to tweak some buffer settings in Sonar preferences but they do nothing for the issue. The synth is obviously not compatible with older Intel CPUs.
  2. "Serum 2 was built with quality in mind. Unfortunately it does have a cost. and requires a modern processor. You can set quality to Good on the global page. You can enable S1 compatibility. If you load Serum 1 presets you should see performance on par with Serum 1. We will look for further optimizations in the future however things have really been aggressively optimized, so a machine upgrade will probably be inevitable if you want to use a lot of voices." Source: https://xferrecords.com/forums/serum/cpu-use-is-extreme-on-older-intel-processors-but-very-workable-updated-information
  3. My PC has 8 cores, 16 logical processors, running at 4.75 GHz and it's glitching. Audio interface is RME UFX II, ASIO buffer 128-512 (same result with the largest buffer) This is simply bad quality control from the synth manufacturer. I tested disabling Plug-In Load Balancing - no help.
  4. Other users have performance issues, too: https://xferrecords.com/forums/general/serum-2-performance-issues
  5. CPU hog or not, Serum 2 glitches if preset is complicated. Simple presets work just fine. CPU usage is not high in Sonar's performance module nor in Windows Taskbar, though. I was able to reduce glitching by setting Quality to 'Good' (other alternatives: 'Best', 'Ultra' if I remember correctly) and disabling smoothing (or whatever that is) but complicated presets are still glitching. Unfortunately I already purchased it.
  6. I reinstalled Sonar but the plugin behaves exactly like before. Probably glitching is a plugin issue. Minidump.txt files says: Faulting Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll App Version: (Beta)
  7. Any Serum 2 users here? Does it work OK? I just bought it and it glitches badly. Freezed track plays fine but live input not so. I have tried to change various MIDI related settings in preferences but they do not change anything. All other synths work just fine.
  8. Another crash in Preferences when changing MIDI driver Mode: from MME to UPW.
  9. I uncheckeed this in preferences: [ ] Use MMCSS Then OK and Crash: Crash C00000005 (Access Violation) Enabling that again will freeze Sonar. Second time: Crash C00000005. Also checking / unchecking 'Enable MMCSS for ASIO driver' will always crash Sonar. The new setting is saved to registry and workaround is to let Sonar crash and reopen it with the new setting. Repro, anyone?
  10. I wish someday Cakewalk makes a theme which includes enough separation between foreground and background colors. Lack of contrast and too small fonts in several locations has been one of my main issues over the years. Wishlist: one knob to add/reduce contrast, another for saturation and a slider for font size adjustment.
  11. Cubase 14 has new feature called 'Modulators' which allows you to modulate synth parameters easily and intuitively. Would anyone else want to see similar feature in Cakewalk? I think this would be SUPER cool addition. https://youtu.be/wV5pJ6cxo0Y?si=Vp4hc4Psc8JZy7PX
  12. I've noticed for a long time that when I open the Console (by pressing Alt-2), there are often audio glitches during playback, but never when record is on. Is it possible to have the Console open without glitches during playback as well or has this been improved 'magically' in the latest update...? Small projects do not glitch but if there are say 50+ tracks and 100+ plugins, there is often some glitches in the audio - but only during playback.
  13. Low Latency Performance: After 18 working hours with the latest build and optimizations, I'm seeing improvements. I used RME buffer settings of 64 and 256. Despite unintentionally setting the buffer to 64, I was able to work with over 100 plugins and 50+ tracks without any glitches. Seems like the new version runs smoother and feels snappier.
  14. Is there keyboard shortcut available to change MIDI chanllel program number up/down?
  15. Press Scroll Lock key [again] on your keyboard to resume scrolling.
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