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  1. Sonar X3 was the last version that used a serial number / authorization code licensing scheme. If you have those for your copy of X3, that is all you need. There is no requirement to do anything on line. (Although you may have received your authorization code via email all those years ago.)
  2. I'm probably going to purchase Dorico 5 Elements, also 50% off. Elements has a surprisingly high percentage of the pro features, missing only some of the things that people creating scores for publication might need. I don't need those things, so I think Elements is a great value at the sale price. You may also want to check out NotePerformer, which works with Dorico Pro/Elements, and uses AI to interpret the score and automatically translate the markings into all kinds of manipulations, resulting in very expressive performances when playing back well marked scores. This reduces the amount of smarts needed to achieve that 😉. Think of it as an alternative to spending hours and hours on midi editing, envelopes, articulation maps, etc, in a DAW.
  3. To keep expectations realistic, this is what was in the most recent CbB maintenance update: Updated to (July 3, 2024) Fixes in build Regression: Per Output Instrument Track disabled in Add Track flyout menu. BandLab API updates. Changes (build CbB has been updated to work with the new Cakewalk Product Center. Offline activation is now available via Product Center. Improvements to sign in process with new activation response and error pages. Signing in to BandLab no longer redirects you to the BandLab portal after sign in. Cakewalk no longer automatically launches the browser to sign in at app startup. The Sonar promotional window should not appear when running CbB offline (at this time). Updates for Sonar promotional window content. Fixed problems with unresponsive Sonar promotional window. Fixes for analytics and app startup. Fixes for in-app updates.
  4. There is also this chart that does a pretty good job of comparing the different versions: https://www.sonuscore.com/guests/downloads/Articulation_Comparison_TOEL.pdf
  5. FWIW, Kontakt allows multpile instruments within a single instance and assigning separate midi channels to each instrument.
  6. The Essentials version of Sonuscore's The Orchestra is on sale for $49.50 at the Sonuscore website at the moment. Not sure for how long.
  7. Yes is my favorite band, I've seen them a number of times. The best was in April 1979: Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Rick Wakeman and Alan White all in their prime playing from a round and slowly rotating stage, with a great light show. But as usual with Yes, the highlight was the music itself. They played songs from their earliest albums all the way through their latest at the time, Tormato, including a 25 minute medley comprised of Time and a Word, Long Distance Runaround, Survival, The Fish, Perpetual Change and Soon. They also gave a beautiful performance of my all-time favorite song, Awaken. Sadly, their are no videos of the "in the round" performances containing good quality sound. However, Hed Gilboa has done a remarkable job of piecing together a lot of different"in the round" videos and syncing them to the excellent quality soundboard recording of the October 1978 Wembley Stadium concert, which was not "in the round" but had a set list very similar to the show I saw. Check it out if you haven't already!
  8. We all have our perspective. I'd like to think that on a public forum, we're all entitled to share ours. Probably the main reason the subscription threads were numerous was because no "sticky" threads with clear answers to questions were created. Many of the threads were started by different people who are not regulars on the forum, each coming onto the forum at a different time, and when they could not easily find the answers to their subscription questions, started their own thread, having no idea that they were rekindling the embers of a controversial topic. From my perspective of the back and forth responses in those threads, the people who don't like subscriptions were no less respectful and no more repetitive than the people who are okay with subscriptions. Yet many of those threads were locked by someone saying that the people who don't like subscriptions were too repetitive and disrespectful. Again, from my perspective, if there was any sense of hostility, it was towards the people who don't like subscriptions.
  9. Forgot to mention, Starship Krupa's thread is in the new Cakewalk Sonar sub-forum.
  10. Please see my response in Starship Krupa's thread "Whom to contact about licensing options?" On the question of what happens when you stop the subscription: In another thread, probably also in the private Beta sub-forum, Noel confirmed that when your subscription ends, Sonar is deactivated until you renew the subscription.
  11. This was brought up in the private Beta sub-forum. The info provided (thanks, Noel!) is that the decision makers are already well aware, but as of now, it seems they are content with the status quo. Anyone who wants to make their thoughts about that known should email them via this link: https://bandlabtechnologies.com/contact/
  12. You should check whether the specific EZKeys instrument you are using is programmed to respond to CC64 as a sustain pedal. Some are intentionally not programmed to respond to it. For example, a Hammond organ emulation may intentionally not respond to CC64 because a real Hammond organ does not have a sustain pedal input, so a faithful emulation might not either. If the instrument allows the CC64 input and has it mapped to sustain functionality, what you are trying to do should work. I have successfully done something like this. I had two separate keyboard controllers, each with just one pedal jack. So I assigned one of the controllers to send CC64 and the other to send CC07, or CC11, for volume. As long as the input setting in Cakewalk for the instrument's track is set to omni (not a specific midi device), it listens to all midi data being generated, and can respond to the data from both controllers at the same time.
  13. You can't fool me. Look at the serial numbers. That's just two pictures of the same bill. ?
  14. You'll want to check out whatever Presonus products 3rd party sellers have to offer. A month or two ago, the PreSonus store removed pretty much everything except the subscription packages for Studio One Pro. They say it is temporary, and that a new store will eventually be available, but there's been no update since. We'll see. I have a feeling, they, like just about every competitor, are testing the subscription waters to determine how many people can be swayed to purchase a subscription to S1 Pro and all the add-ons before making further decisions about other forms of purchase.
  15. Do you have version 1.6.1 installed? That version fixed a lot of those problems, but maybe not for everyone. I wouldn't give up on Luna too quickly if that is the only reason.
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