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Everything posted by KSband

  1. So this is what I get when I open a song in the new cakewalk. Yesterday I had more of these windows when I switched from one song to another. Also this morning I tried to open bandlab assistant and it won't open.
  2. I had a hard time getting sweetcase too. The facebook link works but I didn't have an account, I ended up using my wifes account and then it worked. I've looked at a lot of rhodes and this one does sound beautiful. It irritates me though because every time I close it down it resets it's settings to default, so I have to remember to open it every time and adjust things. I just bought Velvet 2 and it's pretty nice for 15 bucks, lot's of adjustments and presets but it doesn't sound the same as sweetcase. Not a lot of settings with sweetcase but it has the ones you need, no more. Don't know if it's been mentioned but GK amplification is a pretty good bass amp and cab for free, I use it on everything.https://shop.audified.com/products/live-guitar-and-bass-bundle-le I like using it with this freebe: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MEqualizer to dial in the EQ.
  3. After the update I noticed when I loaded a new song it popped up three cakewalk windows, one of them was blank. Never had this happen before.
  4. I have it loaded in a track, I was just playing with it and if I minimize the settings stay but if I close it they are gone. It's a vst2. It has a save button at the top of the plugin window but I can't tell that it does anything. Has a preset box too but it doesn't do anything that I can tell. I tried the Dead duck E, it has a lot of nice features but doesn't sound as good to me, it doesn't have that bell sound. It is a nice piano though.
  5. If you don't you should try it, it sounds amazing, my favorite free rhodes piano. My issue is every time I minimize it and then open it again the settings have all gone back to default. I've tried hitting the save button but can't tell that it does anything.
  6. I just tried this, just changed the synth to the same one I used in the host and it works just fine. I think this will be an easy way for me to do this. Thanks for all the help.
  7. Forgive my ignorance of midi, after I record a track with tripleplay could I just change the track synth from "tripleplay" to whatever synth I was using in the tripleplay host and then create a new track with tripleplay to record the next track etc?
  8. Yesterday cakewalk would not output sound, it made a thump noise each time I hit play. One of my synth tracks meters was frozen in a maxed out position so I think this was caused by a plugin synth. I'm using fishman tripleplay vest host, they say it has not been tested in cakewalk.
  9. I just looked at that, the midi out option is grayed out.
  10. It's a midi controller but it has it's own software that gives you a lot more control over your sensitivities and dynamics. I add a track and the tripleplay plugin is loaded like any other synth , in the plugin I then open any keyboard/synth plugin that I have. I can just use it as a controller without the tripleplay plugin but I lose the extra control.
  11. If I add more than one track of TriplePlay midi guitar it won't open the new track's instrument, it says TriplePlay is already running in another track. I contacted Fishman about it and they said talk to Cakewalk because it's not one of the daws they support. Is there a setting that could cause this?
  12. I have had crashes that seem to be caused by a plugin that is being wierd. One time I had a strange thing where I got multiple start position stylus's ( not sure what the official name of that thing is) only one of them could be moved. I had to restart cakewalk to get rid of them. Overall I have been loving cakewalk, wish I could say the same about all my plugins, they seem to be a constant source of trouble.
  13. When I do an export project to wav what happens with the tracks that have Fx plugins running such as compression, distortion, reverb etc. Do you have to record the audio with Fx to another track?
  14. Thanks for this information. I've had this weird thing where a midi track will start playing gibberish on it's own, maybe this will solve that mystery.
  15. Does cakewalk care if you do another installation of cakewalk ?
  16. When you say de activate do you mean uninstall them?
  17. Thanks, I'm sure it will be fun. I'm not super techie, just enough to get by.
  18. I'm getting a new windows 10 PC and currently have cakewalk on a windows 10 64bit. How do you get the plugins with registry keys to work on the new machine, do you have to contact the manufacturer to re register?
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