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  1. Linux is a failure in the consumer market because it's a support nightmare. It has bad backward and forward compatibility, which causes an influx of support costs after machines (or software packages) are sold - as things eventually start to break when users upgrade their destroy, drivers fall out of support, software falls out of support, and OEMs stop producing updated support software for components. Linux only works in environments where LTS destros running atop certified hardware is viable - i.e. Enterprise and Education, Medical and Science, Engineering, Post Production, etc. Even still, those co.panies often have specific distos that they've certified (often Red Hat/CentOS, SUSE, and Ubuntu LTS). This is why Apple does not license macOS out. Windows is really the only OS that has been able to achieve what it has, becausMicrosoft doesn't break things constantly at the system level, and it was engineered specifically to work in this way - since the days of DOS this was always the case. Reliability, in this fashion, is key to co sumer market penetration. I do think Bitwig is legit, it is just overshadowed by Ableton Live, which is the Pro Tools of the EDM market. But that doesn't help much, because Linux is so bad when it comes to other software segments. Video Editing, for example, is another weak area where the choices are very limited (or require a higher end system, like Resolve). If you actually step back and look at things, even macOS is pretty barren for choices in some niches. They just happen to have stocked up in the bigger market segments ? The only popular macOS-only DAW is Logic. Windows has several capable DAWs that are only available on that platform. ----- The mistake Linux fans make is in assuming cost is a barrier, when the reality is that the ecosystem and convenience of competing platforms is more than worth the $99 for a Windows Home license, or whatever (even cheaper) markup the OEM adds to put it on their machines. Average person doesn't care if they can see the code. They just know that software they bought for $300 15 years ago on Windows, while software from 7 years ago would have you running an equally old distro to function in most cases (or hunt down tons of dependencies, or recompile, etc.). The alleged benefits aren't worth limiting yourself. Plus, Apple has stepped in to fill the void that Linux gave away to it, with OS X.
  2. Had an issue where I found out they limit installations for your account, which screwed me when I had a PC issue that required a couple/few reinstall. Ditched them after that. Thank God this was before I spent much there. Nothing like losing access to what you pay for due to install limits. Better to just use Splice. Safer is probably a better word.
  3. AIR's sound bad. The free one was easily the worse. Native Instrument's (probably part of factory Library) was only slightly better than AIR's. The AIR one has a decent tone, but there's a ton of static in the sound. Maybe this can be fixed in the plug in settings... dunno. Arturias was the best. Acousticsamples was also really good. IK'S was decent. Not sure why anyone would get DB-33. Its terrible and AIR's stuff is only useful for the Synths (mostly for the presets), Xpand!2 (ditto), or Creative FX Plus if you use a DAW like REAPER or Cakewalk which doesn't ship much for base creative plugins/effects. The keyboards are literally worthless, considering what can be had for free, these days.
  4. As someone who owns and used Samplitude Pro X4 Suite as my primary DAW, I'm not sure why anyone would buy this for any reason other than the bonuses. I guess it can be a good Mastering DAW if you use Cakewalk forn music production. I dunno... If you only record acoustic music and need something that edits Audio better than Cakewalk, it might be an upgrade in power, but a downgrade in usability/workflow/performance. I still keep it as a backup, but I did pass on this upgrade to crossgrade to Cubase Pro when I saw they didn't add much worth thinking about. It looks and feels even worse to use now that I've been acclimating to Cubase. I've been playing around with Cakewalk, and I set it up in my brother's new Studio for him (so bnb I have I familiarize to provide support - otherwise better for him to buy a commercial DAW with a reliable on-demand support ecosystem). I actually think Cakewalk development outpacing Samplitude at the moment.
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