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Everything posted by Tez

  1. My AAS VSTs have dials for most parameters or left-mouse-press drag to set the values. In addition, a right-mouse-press opens a drop-down menu where you can select manual value entry which opens an entry box for numeric values. This will not work for CbB or for Splat, numbers are blocked, I guess due to the keyboard shortcut numeric assignments, whereas alphas are not. This is unlike the properties for envelope nodes, which allow numeric entry. Does anyone know a way around this numeric entry block?? And of course, the AAS standalones don’t have this problem.
  2. Tez


    Thanks Noel, I was aware of no offline support... But after the install and the failure to launch the browser window as described, I closed CbB and when I couldn't start up the browser I was initially concerned that something had been corrupted. Fortunately it could be worked around. So is the browser issue an independent glitch?
  3. Tez


    Hey Noel, 1. After the settings migration from Splat to CbB the core "UseOnlyOfflineHelp" reg key is set to 1. This suits me just fine as I can use the SONAR.CHM offline in CbB. 2. The help menu options: "Getting Started Guide", "Support" & "User Forums" should open the corresponding web page in the browser. If the browser is running the web pages happily launch in a new tab... The issue is that if there no instance of the browser running it fails to launch the browser window, yet the process gets launched and the task manager shows that the "UAC virtualization" as "Not Allowed", and this blocks any attempt to launch the browser window at all, up until the task gets manually ended. Typically, the task manager shows that the "UAC virtualization" as "Disabled", which I presume is normal! Is the issue with 2. somehow related to 1.
  4. Given the current zeitgeist, a measure of cynicism is not entirely unwarranted. But today having wound up my projects, I decided to upgrade the last Splat to CbB (no addons). From the bandlab assistant through the settings migration the install was flawless, just a small footprint on the system drive, and managed to capture the setup exec too! Only the minor task of copying across custom content, and CbB seems much more than a full Splat with, on first impressions, better performance! So with that, there are some good folks left, and a huge thank you to one and all for CbB, and thanks to Scook for responding to some irritating questions I’ve had along the way...
  5. Thanks for the reply and I assume all the other "Shared" folders too, and that's basically why I asked in case something weird could happen ?...
  6. The cakewalk forum post: "Quick way of rolling back to a previous version of CbB" http://forum.cakewalk.com/Quick-way-of-rolling-back-to-a-previous-version-of-CbB-m3776020.aspx detailed a useful method to back up the CbB core prior to a new install. My question: Is there any reason that instead, the backup can not be moved to another location and a softlink (mklink) created in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk to the backup's location?
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