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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. man, i got EQ's coming out my ***** and ears. how many EQ's does it take to mix a crappy song? ?
  2. if we reach 20.. i will be scraping the barrel. i might been to pickup arc3 software and get a MEMS mic.
  3. telecode is going to lose this one. i think Peter et la.. will win. they are more experienced. ?
  4. i don't feel like wanting to blow money one day on download credits. ?
  5. it seems to me we are getting 1 every 2 or 3 days. 15 more days left. my guess is about 5 more. maybe more if it picks up momentum. which it might. i have been holding off plunging in at more than entry that what i already have. but could very well be that i jump in one more time as we get close to the end. the main reason i am not jumping in is that i feel i already have everything i want to use. so if i jump in again. i had no idea what else to get other than sampletank stuff. and I really don't want to jump into the Sampletank ecosystem.
  6. i only see "You’re receiving our communications. Click here if you want to change your communication preferences." under upgrades and offers. :[(
  7. i listened to the demos and the soundpacks. i like the sound of it. but i think i have too many retro synth VIs. I think I will pass. I have all the arturia products I need.
  8. maybe i will rename my studio that. "Stupid Dead Music, LLC. Esquire" ?
  9. 477... i think it slows down a lot in middle of week.
  10. its still in my cart. the price went up to $530 canadian. ?
  11. this looks really cool. like a funky modernized e-bow. could come up with some really cool sound design ideas with this if you layer on effects..
  12. Vox Mini Superbeetle Audio Bluetooth Speaker Black. $266 CAN. so should be around $200 USD. Cool cooling toy.. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid
  13. i also got it. i tried it. i dont think its that useful.
  14. i thought it read the "Avril IR pack." i was expecting to hear her screaming ?
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