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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. did you qualify? my account said I dont. but i have Thunder Drum and Tape Chior.
  2. i am really interested in this one. i really like the stuff soniccouture make.
  3. 518.. there is a chance this might hit 20 .. and will be totally out of ideas what to get. maybe IKM could reduce some of the newer products or something
  4. confirmed working. i am in a second time in the GB. darn IKM and their deals. --- So this plugin almost blew my ear drum. I gotta post a support ticket. I was using it on a bass track and playing around with the mic positioning in the cab section.. and when i moved the mic way to the bottom of the cab.. it turned into +200db squealing digital noise. Now I learnt why some engineers on GS always use a limiter on the master channel when working. ?
  5. yes. this is correct. the articulations are proprietary to EZBass.
  6. does it matter if you buy from that store or IKM directly? I can get the same price from both.
  7. Weird. i have found the longer i have owned Komplete, the more I have delved into it. I have gotten lots of mileage out of those instruments. Hell, I even delved into the Gamelan as well. Very cool instrument. Sonic couture mad it. They make some great stuff.
  8. the mallets sound good. very usable for a very decent and competitive price point.
  9. through that Jordan Rudess video I figured out I needed to split the keyboard to get better bass accompaniment with a synth pad. Opened up a whole lot of new ideas and possibilities. I am an idiot for not trying that sooner.
  10. yeah.. there is a pop artist that disappeared fast.
  11. Yeah.. I am aware of that. But I am looking for something on sale in the $30 to $40 range to get me into the tier. IIRC, MODO Drums CE was around $40 at one point earlier in the sale.
  12. I think you posted correct and I am wrong. I think because I am logged into the IKM site, I see a different price based on something I already own.
  13. so then i really should not be wasting my money on MODOBass if I already have EZBass. I am thinking I might go for the SVX2 upgrade for my next freebie. Today was first time I looked at SVX. it sounds pretty good in AT 5.
  14. i need something on sale in the $199 tier. you sure about this OP? I see SVX2 listed at $49 on their site. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/svx2/index.php?p=gear .
  15. I have so many Sampletanks in my account Do I need Sampletank 4 Standard?
  16. yup. i use it that way as I prefer the sound of NI Kontakt basses as they sound better to me. But you lose all the fancy articulations of EXbass. What I will try is what one guy suggested. Make a DI track in EZbass and then load up a bass amp VST on it. so this me just playing around with EZbass. i loaded EZ into Cubase. Built the song progression. Then exported the DI track within EZ to a wave file. Then muted the EZ track and loaded up a new track with AT5 SVX and used that DI wave file. it sounds better than in EZ IMO.. but as always, the problem with that workflow is you are building it all up and out from the bass track. gotta keep going into EZ and exporting the DI should you need to change something.
  17. yup. gree about the DAW within the DAW comment. Its a little odd to use. i guess if one also uses superior drummer or ex drummer, the same thing applies.
  18. good video on Syntronic by IKM & Rudess. I find I like the Syntronic when you want a "in your face" more modern sounding legacy synth sound. I use Arturia if I want to use a more real legacy sound. (If that makes any sense. )
  19. The IKM tech support is a little inconsistent. At times I send in a request and got a reply fairly fast. At other times, it went into nothingness. You seem to get more support on their forums but there are only two people that actually monitor those forums. and i dont think its tech support. IKM should consider the way NI do support. They have a slew of their tech people on the forums interacting with customers.
  20. i just want the rest of t-racks so the stupid thing doesn't keep bugging me about how i am missing licenses for items.
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