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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. updated. i got a new software installer. yay!!
  2. This are some nice PA freebies. I had no overlap at all as I dont have much from them, so these are all new to me. that oberhaus rocks. !
  3. I just tried it. its cool. sort of reminds me of 8dio hybrid instrument. its interesting to see arturia going in this direction. good for them!!
  4. isn't this what it usually goes for when on sale?
  5. damn. i missed this thread. i just claimed my PA bundle this morning.
  6. Yes, its a little worrying. It makes me question what really is the true value of these plugins on the market? i mean, the reality is, a lot of the perceived value is directed by the social media marketing depts of thee companies. One week the price is $99 the next week is $49 and on BF is $29 .. and the cycle goes on and on. For all you know, you are paying good money for what essentially should be freeware. Imaging in Notepad++ was priced at $49? Would anyone buy it for that price and would that strategy fly for Notepad++? I doubt it ***** there is no glamour and glitz associated to that program compared to something that "can make you a music producer!". It's great PA BX and giving this stuff away and i will take it. But it sheds some light on the true real value of these software products/plugins. I see lots of lurkers on other sites who occasionally mention that everything you need to make tracks can be done with the free stuff that was given away. The more I dabble in this, the more I am suspecting it is true. I always just let the installers do what they do natively. The only thing I do is tell them use a different drive than C:\. I find the more you mess around with it. the easier it breaks. I really don't like the companies with installers that make it very hard to roll back versions of software if you need to. You paid for the software and its your own computer setup -- you should be able to easily and freely roll back if you need to.
  7. I use their MK3 and Jam controllers. Solid hardware. I haven't got a keyboard controller from them but I hear they are good.
  8. The funk is on sale too https://www.bestservice.com/ezbass_midi_modern_funk.html
  9. just saw this. wow.. now this is an interesting new development.
  10. yup. i have komplete and use what in there. they are great for me. i use DrumLab the most. I just really like how it works and sounds. From Abbey road, I usually use just 50s and Vintage the most. I like them.
  11. what i would be curious about is does it integrate closer into the DAW. I have EZbass.. and I dont like that I sort of have to working only within the EZ interface, and then when working on the DAW.. I can't see what the bass parts are without actually opening the EZ interface. It seems counter intuitive. I should be able to see the MIDI and be able to edit the MIDI notes in the combined MIDI editor in the DAW.
  12. i th i guess it really depends if you need the newest latest and greatest. the adobe model works great for graphic designers or similar who are in the industry and need the latest for work. in my case, i just use Acrobat and I still use the pre-Adobe cloud acrobat. Should it one day become truly dead, i will just switch to a FOSS solution that makes and marks up pdfs. with music plugins, i guess it makes sense if you just want try for a few months and they give up and move on. if you want to invest in the tools and truly learn them, then i think buying them is the only way. you will wind up using and learning them for a long time. i may be wrong. but thats how i look at it.
  13. i dont like subscriptions.
  14. i must resist. i know what they want to me. hook me into their eco system. i already have too many amp sims.
  15. cool deal if you do soundtrack stuff.
  16. Thats hard to answer. It sort of depends what your budget is and what you are after. I own one Neural item and AT5. I can only comment on what i use, which is mostly clean and medium gain tones. I bought the Cory Wong because I kept hearing very good things about the company. I am quite happy with the product. It is well made and feels and sounds different than what I can get in AT5. I see from other posters that use heavy and high gain tones that Neural is king in that area. Best thing to do is demo and decide.
  17. Softube are starting to resemble some other questionable vendors. The only thing worth it with ST are the flash sales when they sell items for about $19 or so. Those pretty much get you an item at the price point that you would get if you were to buy the entire volume collection, but you don't actually have to part with the money to but the entire collection.
  18. is this good? will EZD 3 be sold at a much higher price when released?
  19. I was looking at it. Seems like a great deal. I just too many VIs and not sure I need anymore. I am also holding out for next Softube volume if it comes out.
  20. I believe it. I use the one built into Heatbeat. I just dont know if I am gonna get dinged when they release the next Volume collection. It might get included in that.
  21. anyone know what changes added?
  22. I used my 90% off coupon. it worked like magic ?
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