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Everything posted by Russell

  1. Thank you that's very helpful information!!
  2. I have rough home mixes of the songs that will be included on an album that are just fairly ok. I have some studio tracks and will be going back in the studio (when I have more money) to have the remaining tracks re-recorded then full album mixed and mastered. While I put the funding together, can I send the album in to the copyright office and will that copyright carry over to the songs once I have the final, professionally done, masters? Or do I need to have the final product done before copyright? The songs will be essentially unchanged just much better recording and final mixing.
  3. I really dug the Eurythmics and the original song and whilst I am not a big fan of Marylin Manson I think this cover was much more suited to the lyrics. I'm sure some of you will think this belongs in the "other" thread though . . .
  4. Russell

    Stay With Me

    Kind of a rockin' country thing I wrote for my wife when I first met her. With our 25th Anniversary a couple weeks away thought I should actually finish it . . . Finally got around to doing a full arrangement. I think I may be getting the hang of this - Thanks to all the knowledge and tips I found on these Forums!
  5. From one of my favorite albums . . .
  6. I may be the only one to have ever heard this LOL
  7. That's a pretty good tune! Reminds me of a band I like - just can't figure out which. I was (still am) fascinated with space also. As for the age thing, well, I was 9 when my dad, grandfather and I watched Neil land on the moon . . . Again, Great tune!
  8. Small Wooden Bach'ses - Mannheim Steamroller
  9. Perhaps a video of this added to the "Tutorials" section . . . ? LOL
  10. When I upgraded / migrated to my new system this happened with ALL my existing projects. Cake Support got me straightened out - Open project in SAFE mode, delete Breverb. Save Project re-add Breverb. Worked fine after that. Hope that helps.
  11. Jeff played my favorite version . . .
  12. This has been a very informative and useful thread for me . . . I thank you all! I record my own live vocals, guitars. mandolin and bass and am pretty handy with Addictive Drums but have been looking for a way to incorporate some piano / steel guitar and fiddle tracks. As I don't play any of those and my keyboard / virtual instrument skills are super basic at best, this looks like something I can use. Am I correct in thinking I can take an existing song of mine and input the chords in BiaB - generate a song then take just the tracks I want and plug them into Cakewalk? Until my Pedal Steel guy comes back to Arizona and I coax one of my local keyboard playing friends into helping this will at least give me a better representation of what I'm trying to accomplish. Pricey but look like it might be worth the price of admission . . .
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