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Everything posted by Vst0nE

  1. still no licenses from timespace even this week....T&S said should be yesterday late or early today and they have not received promised stock from NI so looks like another week possibly to wait...
  2. Vst0nE

    Atlas 2

    they claimed updates will be free if you buy license if i remember no?
  3. because they told me that, and most upgrades they sold are out of stock anyway...why would you be selling product knowing you do not have in stock and keep taking orders? we all bought it out of stock waiting for NI to deliver boxes so they can send us serials first if requested,,,all these upgrades are boxed...only NI sells digital upgrades they just using situation as their price in uk is cheapest so people buy with them,,simple...and i believe they took money from account or paypal immediatelly last week so we have to wait or cancel. i would buy it from jrrshop cheaper for USD but jrrshop told me they are forced to ship boxes so he stays out of this promo basically.
  4. T&S started selling without having any serials or boxes, they just wanted to have money on account so they will know how many to order..so unless they will receive a box from NI they cant send you serials...dodgy marketing for sure
  5. Vst0nE

    Wusik No Brainer

    wusik has tiny digital sounds, weird GUI to use and i never found myself to use it, i believe it is NFR as well but if you want all for $27 is good deal and you will suport developer some have normal license number some dont
  6. still no license email from TimeSpace, think we should ask for interest ? ? ?
  7. no licenses for NI updates/upgrades available from timespace as per support until next week earliest ? so if you wish to have it now you ho to go direct with NI
  8. i cant get $239 price in UK which is about £168, UK price is £209 how to get over it? sweetwater has it for $249 but item must be shipped, they do not email just licenses jrrshop does not sell it as far as i can see any choice of upgrades....
  9. is jrrshop going to have those updates/upgrades? hope we will be able to use grup coupon on it. where is best price to get K12UCE to K13UCE update? thx
  10. there used to be 10% off coupon to slash price as well, anyone still has it?
  11. i believe there was additional 10% off coupon available for orders, anyone still has it? does it work with sale price?
  12. i asked tracktion what triggered this free biotek2 promo and who is eligible and received reply: "Thank you for choosing our products. Biotek 2 is available for purchase here: https://www.tracktion.com/products/biotek Thanks." Ronnal ????
  13. you can buy directly on website with newsletter10 coupon, price lowered to $8.10 (£5.81 todays google conversion) but just found out that you must be in US to get this price as when you try to pay by card, paypal or amazonpay it will not go through. from UK, ujam will charge you £8.10, seems like dollars are now equall to pounds 1:1 for ujam.
  14. i still have not received it even that i have studio 5 artist+subscribed...if anyone does not need it or willing to trade for something pm me please. trying to send ticket but it gives me error all the time:
  15. trying to send ticket through my.presonus.com support and it gives me all the time error, anyone has working direct email for support please? if someone wants to trade bassroom for some other plugin please pm me and i will send you list thx
  16. can you add to account without installing custom shop for future use?
  17. looks like soon V13 and another paid upgrade...?
  18. i am suprised people still willing to pay same plugin 2x or 3x times with waves WUP plan.......if people would stopped paying this, waves would have to change the strategy of selling those plugins......
  19. if you guys have spare 25 PA coupon which you will not use for this plugin please PM me...appreciate
  20. still missing 3 of those content banks, if someone has some kilohearts $30 coupons to give out or willing to exchange for something please pm me can those content banks be transfered from account to account? regards
  21. i will comeback to waves once WUP will be ended. till then no more waves.
  22. free sample pack full of low quality mp3....waste of time is this plugin something similar to sonible smart A.I. reverb?
  23. ""The Tracktion sign up page has a access code that is in the magazine (yes it's generic, but I'm not posting it) and it will register the synth in your account."" can you just point out how to register the synth please....? signup page has access code is bit confusing,,,tracktion website has just redeem button as i can see...so what you mean exactly? thx for details
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