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Everything posted by Vst0nE

  1. it will never end, enjoy waves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Irwze89lKhg
  2. so i tried to install native access black V2 3.2.2 and found 2 main issue and had to reinstall back white V1 - missing half of my NI products (V2 was showing just 112 instead of over 215 installed with V1) -extremely looong time to load native access V2 (like 5-15 minutes) just to open application so i am not suprised why V1 users were not forced to update to V2 its sooo buggy
  3. any other plugins have this feature hold apart from fabfilter which is over $100? vocal rider you can get for $8-10 anyway so comparing to fabfilter still ok
  4. Under chapter 3 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 EU/UK Chapter 3 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 covers contracts between a trader and consumer in relation to digital content, as distinct from goods and services, whilst also clarifying that any goods containing faulty digital content are protected by the remedies provided for faulty goods is waves faulty now? lets claim refunds or free updates
  5. most of us with paid licenses will loose all money invested in waves as at some point with new MAC or WIN systems they will stop be compatible so sooner or later you will not be able to use anyway,,,
  6. we may receive all refunds for inability to use waves central today....payday!
  7. seems Gilad Keren and Meir Shaashua working hard on sunday in israel. ?
  8. $229 lifetime key....do they have it on sale ever?
  9. you have to subscribe to paid version or buy kore demo trial?
  10. LIMITER can be free if you sign up and watch some video at skool.com, nfo below https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/03/20/mastering-the-mix-limiter/
  11. lowest i could find https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/mistersandman/antiquetoypiano
  12. opal for £49......do you guys think it will be lower at some point like christmas/BF? https://www.uaudio.com/opal-morphing-synthesizer.html
  13. install is bit dodgy on win as you have to follow exactly step7 by importing bank, then making export bank name and then copy to the same folder xenobytes sounds folder not sure why it just does not install all,,, anyway it sounds very poor and sounds like kids digital sounds so i have removed it already
  14. i have same, zip is not protected but the exe file for windows installation is password protected
  15. seems provided download after purchase has exe files which is password protected? support no answer from serbia... anyone knows pass to open?
  16. Zo recommends so you guys just go and buy it for $19,,stop talking ?
  17. seems PB is giving out old V9 licences not V10
  18. I would not say it better, do not forget its $99 value ?
  19. there is version 2 on web so thats why is V1 free now
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