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Everything posted by dantarbill

  1. I'm trying Drum Replacer for the first time. I've discovered that the stock replacement samples are a bit limited...but I don't (yet) want to go chasing down more appropriate ones. In particular, all the replacement toms ring way too much. A transient shaper would be the obvious solution, but it's NOT so obvious where to put FX where they affect the replacement samples rather than the original source audio. Put another way, where is the replacement audio in respect to the ProChannel fx chain and/or the standard FX slot?
  2. I'm trying to find the Phase and Mono/Stereo Interleave buttons in SONAR Platinum track and/or console view. I'm finding nothing. What is it that I'm missing? I'm not seeing them in the Track Control Manager either.
  3. I'm finally trying to commit to 64 bit since Cakewalk has gone 64 bit only...and some plugs are following suit. I'm just now trying out JBridge to see what I can drag forward from 32 bit land.
  4. Thanks! I was thinking that there was something built in but couldn't remember what it was.
  5. What are people using for a (64 bit) convolution reverb since Perfect Space seems to be in the rearview mirror?
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