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kennywtelejazz last won the day on October 11 2022

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  1. 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 Kenny
  2. ðŸĪĢ No Shane ! I did not caption that picture with you in mind ..... I was playing off the looks and vibe of the dog . That pooch seems to be somewhat of a sly sneaky scruffy looking pooch whom in my opinion if he was placed in the position I bet he would probably entertain the idea of getting over by advertising having the big 14 . When it became time to deliver , I'm sure he would work with what he got by delivering a modest 3 1 /2 four times . When one's garden hose is only a miniature micro tool one has to do what one has to do all the best , Kenny
  3. When she asked me for the 14 . I gave her 3 1/2 four times Kenny
  4. I have heard some chit in my life time but I have to say , I don't know if I ever heard truer words spoken 😉 And there you have it folks. What we have here is a perfect example of a fella going from "What's Happening " to " What Happened " Why ? Lock the thread ? We got music in here Kenny
  5. Oh Al ! Lets go upstairs and fool around ! It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed my a$S out all day long ! Kenny
  6. After the guy in the hospital told his wife she was only a one , His wife must have taken out all of her emergency money hidden in a coffee can up in the cupboard . Once she found the guy who was singing about having a bad day , she decided to hire him to dish out an extreme case of instant Karma to her ex in the parking lot . If that was my situation and if she left no doubt in my mind by her confirmation . I would certainly be motivated to buy her a brand new set of knee pads just to show her how much I loved her 😜 Baaad Kenny ! for saying that ðŸĪĢ
  7. I got it ðŸĪŠ I finally understand fully why none of you guys here have commented on this video . All your " lovely wife's" moderate your computer activities and social media ...😉 Sheesh! I remember those days . I had to say yes dear to everything and if I did int I could forget about sneaking in a new guitar in under the radar or dropping the coin on a good deal I may have found over at the deals forum .... Since I'm single I have been emancipated and I don't have to put my boys into "the handbag "anymore for safe keeping. I hope Y'all have a good Day ...I'm off to the Home Depot to buy myself a large wheelbarrow with a plush purple velvet lining . Next I'm gonna hire a topless bikini clad foxy female no older than -- to walk right behind me with my boys proudly on display in the wheelbarrow . She is gonna take me every where I want to go . What a glorious day we are gonna have as we take in all the beautiful sights while the remainder of the day unfolds . Oh No! No ! No ! please say it isn't so . My alarm clock just went off early and it just woke me up from the glorious dream of freedom I was having . Egads !! Now I'm stuck in a dystopian relationship model ..... just like the one everybody else around here is stuck in all the best , Kenny
  8. How ever he was made he sure looks very convincing .... Yeah now you tell me it takes a woman I couldn't find a woman to help me make a Pupper , so I went out on a man and pooch date with my pooch ... It started innocently enough . We bonded over a jar of crunchy peanut butter . Now I'm filled with regrets ....look at what I brought into the world ...Poor kid , He don't even have large hands like the other Pupper and we all know what that means . I sure hope he can get a Gig working with Orangutan Benji at his restaurant . Kenny
  9. After seeing one of his videos one can clearly see that Pupper is Loved and tolerated by all the staff and servers working at that fine eating establishment . I'm glad the place started doing much better once they fired Orangutan Benji . That chef couldn't cook worth a $hit and he seemed much more interested in playing with all the cooking utensils 😆 Once the plate shows up , that pooch certainly enjoys digging in while he puts on a gastronomically inspired acrobatic show . I must say , the food sure looks pretty good so there may be a few other things going on here 😉 #1 He is a great tipper ! or , #2 He is a hidden spy sent in by Gorden Ramsey to surveil the restaurant for a possible future TV episode . all the best , Kenny
  10. Love it !ðŸĪĢ Excellent find ! Super Funny this one got me too . Kenny
  11. Good News ! As of 2025 B bb Minor has been released and pardoned for trying to impersonate an A Minor . All charges against Bbb have been dropped . There is no longer any evidence of ongoing fraud or deception since B Minor has finally dropped the bb ... This stroke of good fortune has made B Minor a free chord . Here to celebrate B Minor's freedom and unique autonomy , may I present to you a reformed B Minor on Guitar synth ! https://www.soundclick.com/kennywilson/?more=14918746 Kenny
  12. Check out the "Frankly , my dear, I don't give a damn "V.S.T. It''s my go to ,😉 all the best . Kenny
  13. Orangutan Benji 's long lost guitar player 😜 Kenny
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