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Everything posted by CSW

  1. Thanks Mark. I'm really trying to focus on the subtleties from the source performances these days and trying to use less effects and really focusing a making better static mixes with no plugs instead of piling on the plugins.....(then I pile on the plugs!) I've remixed some of my old stuff and this seems to be working out well. I'm getting some cleaner mixes. Craig
  2. Thank you Kurt! I worked long on the arrangement trying to make it dynamic as I could for the type of song that it is.
  3. Thanks Jack. Very happy that you liked it. Craig
  4. Hi Mark, Thanks for the encouragement and I'm thrilled that you like the song. I purchased a bunch of harmonica loops on the internet and had to pitch correct to get them to fit the song. It did take away some of the "authenticity" of the harmonica sound but it was the only way I could get it to fit..... man it was tough trying to fit those loops without it sounding odd or repetitive. I tuned the back ups a little with some melodyne but nothing too crazy. These days I'm trying to do as little pitch correction in the singing as possible. Overdone pitch correction has pretty much ruined pop music for me. Robin and I try our best to get a good take or at least a healthy comped take and then maybe just a touch of pitch correction only if needed. Craig
  5. Hi Tom, Thank you for the comments. When I received the piano track from my friend he sent it over wet with reverb and I was pretty much stuck with the reverb. I think he recorded it directly in or from his digital piano. He's a kind of mysterious guy and I was not able to get back in touch with him after I received the file ... I didn't want to be too picky so I pulled what I thought were the best parts of the track and placed them where I could. No matter what I did with it..... it just seemed to sit in the same place in the mix and I was limited on getting the clarity without it being too loud. The piano solo is from another internet musical acquaintance who is very easy to work with. I tried to somewhat match the 2 piano sources so there's more reverb that I would like and they are both digital. Most of this happened during the lockdown...it's funny how it affected people in different ways. My favorite thing to fool with is vocals. My Wife Robin is a very versatile singer. I'm lucky to have her on call. ?
  6. CSW

    Hero (Original Song)

    I wrote this song about someone I know who is very close to me. They came down with cancer and this is about their struggle and hope while going thru chemo, surgery and the heavy emotional toll that it takes on a person. They are cancer free today and I pray that they remain that way till the end. Any comments and critiques appreciated. Regards Craig
  7. Thanks for the heads up Mark, I re-pasted it works now. Craig
  8. Hi, My Girl and I wrote and recorded this song several months ago. I had a couple of friends play keys and slide guitar. We did the rest. I wanted to challenge to mix with Cakewalk stock plugs only. Here's what I came up with after 4 mix revisions. I would appreciate your comments and critiques. This song was inspired by an Iron worker that I know along with the FloridaMan website. Regards Robin and Craig
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