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Lummy Keen

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Everything posted by Lummy Keen

  1. Dear Starship, Many thanks for your detail reply. I use my android mobile phone (using woMic app) microphone to record my vocal. For monitoring of my cakewalk while making music/mixing, i use my in-ear earphone. Regarding the playback on my edifier (using cakewalk DAW , using windows media player and also playback on bandlab website that i uploaded), the entire mix sound harsh, muddy. The rest of your comment is very advanced and high level for me, i have to digest slowly. Thank you.
  2. Dear Kurre, thanks for your comments. How do i check my onboard soundcard and separate/enhancement settings? For your info, for edifier playback of mp3 songs by other artists, they are playback on windows media player connected to the edifier using aux cable. Thank you
  3. Dear Kurre, Thanks for your comment. I can't remember the exact model of my edifier, but it can connect to my PC by either bluetooth or Aux cable. For playback of my cakewalk mix, i use Aux cable. Thank you.
  4. Thank you so much, as a beginner i did not know that audio interface and studio monitor are required. Thank you!!
  5. Dear All, Goodday. I found a problem when i try to playback using 3 different gears that i use to enjoy music. My notebook is Dell Windows 7 that i bought in 2011. My cakewalk is version 2020.01. Below are the gears i use: 1. sony in-ear earphone(price USD8.00) - insert into my notebook sound output jack 2. sony headphone (price USD40.00) - insert into my notebook sound output jack 3. Edifier PC speaker with subwoofer and 2 satellite speakers (price USD50.00) - connect into my notebook using Aux cable that comes with the purchase of Edifier speaker For my exported WAV (as attached) , playback in windows media player (version 12.0.7601.24460) and also playback in Cakewalk DAW , below are the result of playback using the gears above: 1. good 2. good 3. bad - vocal and instruments sound bad However, mp3 songs by other artists that i downloaded from internet plays perfectly on 3 gears. What could be the problem? My edifier PC speaker is not faulty, as i also use my mobile phone bluetooth to connect to edifier PC speaker to listen to spotify and other radio apps and it sounds good. For your info, i didn't use any FX or EQ or compression. Also attached is my mixing pane. Could it be my master volume is too low? If i turn it up it would be too loud for my ear using ear/headphone. I uploaded to bandlab for mastering and playback on bandlab website also gives same result i.e. sounds bad on the edifier PC speaker. Thank you. forum.wav
  6. Dear All, Goodday. Many thanks for your reply. I realized i used the wrong bit depth for exporting initially, i chose higher than 16 bit. My initial thoughts were higher bit depth means higher quality. Using 16 bit to export it as WAV and playback in windows media player (version 12.0.7601.24460) and now it sounds similar to playback. Thank you.
  7. Goodday, My exported song in WAV format sounds different from playback in Cakewalk. During playback, it sounds awesome. But the exported song in WAV sounds muddy, the bass are heavy,...everything is horrible. How to fix this? Thank you
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