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Everything posted by tonemangler
Automation shift with project tempo change
tonemangler replied to Mo Jonez's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
It doesn't seem like this is currently possible, you would think that with ripple edit engaged the automation envelopes would move with the clips but they do not. I guess a tempo change is not considered an edit. Maybe you should submit this as a feature suggestion? -
Annoying volume drop when looping
tonemangler replied to Stunted Records's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
This does sound very strange indeed, almost like the Dim Solo mode is engaged. If it is only the midi track that is losing volume a temporary workaround, until you can find the proper solution, is to freeze the midi drum track before you start comping and then unfreeze it when you finish. If the problem happens only when comping a particular track, for example the guitar track as you mention, maybe try inserting a new audio track (not Duplicate) and Shift dragging all the take lanes to it. I have found in the past that a track can get corrupted for some reason and this sometimes gets me back up and running. The final thing I can think to try is a fresh install of CbB. Good luck. -
I'm not on Win 7 or have the latest version of CbB but you can try going to Preferences and under Global Key Bindings manually create bindings for Nudge. Also, I seem to remember back in the Win 7 years I would have to press the Number Lock button to Unlock and Lock again before Nudge would work. There are two ways to toggle between the last two edit filters viewed. With the track you want to toggle in focus simply hit the (+/=) key or Shift+Right click on the clips pane. So if you are in the clips view and execute either toggle keystroke you will toggle between clips view and volume view. If you then manually change to the clip gain view and then execute either toggle keystroke you will toggle between the clip gain view and the volume view, and so on and so forth. HTH
Just to add to your good tip, here are some keystrokes I use to achieve the same; 1 Ctrl+Shift+H = Hides all unselected tracks. 2 Ctrl+H = Hides selected tracks. 3 Shift+H = Shows all tracks. 4 Alt+Z = Undo View 5 Alt+Shift+Z = Redo view. So after selecting the tracks I would do #1 and to return to original view either #3 or #4. Cheers
Raise/Lower Selected Automation Nodes [Solved]
tonemangler replied to Bill Phillips's question in Q&A
When you press Ctrl and hover the pointer anywhere over the envelope it changes to the move tool, it's a shortcut rather than actually switching to the move tool. With the move tool you can click anywhere on a selected envelope to move it. It may be in the documentation under 'Move Tool' I don't know. Another way is after selecting the nodes simply hover over any node and the move icon will appear, then click and drag, no need to press Ctrl. Lets say you have a track with multiple clips and a volume envelope with many nodes. None of the nodes are selected. You want to move the whole envelope. Hover the pointer near the top of the track where there are no clips, the 'move envelope icon' (a line with an up/down arrow) will appear, click and drag. Lets say you want to move all nodes in only one particular clip, first make sure the clip is not selected, hover the pointer near the top for the 'move envelope icon', click and hold (this adds nodes at the beginning and end of the clip) while holding drag. Basically this method of moving the pointer to the top of the clip/track to see the 'move envelope icon' is a shortcut for the older way of, after selecting a region, right clicking the envelope and selecting 'Add Nodes at Selection'. If you hover the pointer between two nodes at the top of the clip and click and release, it will highlight the region between the nodes. If you then click and drag it will add nodes at selection and move. HTH -
Step sequencer prevents track editing, how to reverse?
tonemangler replied to John Speth's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Right clicking a step sequencer clip and selecting 'Bounce to Clip(s)' will turn it into a regular midi clip. By the same token right clicking a regular midi clip and selecting 'Convert MIDI Clip(s) to Step Sequencer' will do the opposite conversion. Right clicking either a regular clip or step sequencer clip will give access to some process options as well. Cheers. -
@Nigel Mackay I think we are talking about two different methods of adding nodes, what you describe in your last post is what Lord Tim suggested which is adding the nodes manually and then moving the line with Ctrl click and drag, which I am aware of. What I was originally referring to was the method that reginaldStjohn suggested which is an automatic way of doing a similar move. The automatic way requires two click and drag moves while the manual requires four clicks (adding nodes) and one Ctrl drag move. Therefore the automatic is more efficient, however the automatic results in a jump in the envelope while the manual results in fades. Anyways this is another example of different ways to skin a cat! Cheers ?
When swipe selecting a region and then moving the cursor to the top of the clip and clicking you automatically create nodes at selection, two at the start of the selection and two at the end. As you hold the click and move the mouse up or down you create a 'jump' automation, which consists of four nodes. Therefore if you add nodes where you want the fades to start and end you will be left with six nodes in total having to delete two nodes to obtain fades which is the exact scenario as described by the OP. I have always used swipe select and click at top of the clip to automatically create nodes at selection, and then if I feel I need to create fades I will Shift move the outer nodes. I just find it faster because most times I don't need the fades, however if you require fades with all your automation moves then the method described by Lord Tim would be the best. Cheers.
With this method you would then have to Shift click move the outer nodes to get the proper slopes. Personally I wish that when nodes are added at selection they weren't directly on top of each other causing a jump, rather next to each other so that when you make the move you describe automatic fades are created. Better still and option in Preferences to set the this. For example; "Set Node at Selection to--Jump or Fade". Or even better have it as an option going from 0 (jump) 1 (small fade) 2 (med fade) to 3 (large fade), and then you can assign it to key strokes, kind of like Nudge. Maybe that's the geek in me going overboard, realistically an automatic small fade or slope between nodes would do the job in 99% of cases, I don't think jumps in automation envelopes are really necessary even when automating an on/off button.
To create a selection range between markers place cursor between two markers near the top of the timeline ( you will see a magnifying glass with a downward arrow underneath) and click. This will select a range highlighting all tracks. In your case, since the markers are at the start and end, simply click in the timeline anywhere within the song.
I agree about the strange behaviour!! I imagine every DAW has it's quirks. I'm glad I could help. Cheers.
Yes, to audition the whole drum kit, bass and effect return you would have to customize your project. Firstly, as mentioned previously, you would group all bass tracks. Next group all drum tracks. It is easier to use track folders for this but I see you work in the console view which I believe you does not support folders. The next step depends on if you have a lot of busses. Create a new buss, call it something like 'Pre Mix'. Send all busses except for bass, drums and effects to this buss and set it's output to the Mix buss. Now, if you want to audition the kick and bass you press Ctrl and click the kick track (this solos only the kick) and then click any bass track. Next to hear all drums and bass, first you Ctrl click the kick track (to un-solo it) and then click on any drum track. Next you want to hear drums, bass and effects, leave the bass and drum tracks soloed and simply mute the 'Pre Mix' buss. If you don't have a lot of busses you don't need to create the 'Pre Mix' buss just mute all busses except for drum, bass and effects. I hope this works for you.
I have a Clarett 4Pre which has loopback. I have it set to loopback any audio that appears at outputs 1&2 which are the main stereo outs. In Windows I have set the Clarett as my main audio o/p so I can loopback record audio from YouTube or Spotify. My monitors are connected to the main stereo outs 1&2 of the Clarett so anything I hear on my monitors can be looped back into Cakewalk. I don't use standalone synths but am pretty sure that a loopback interface would do what you need. If you could buy one from a store with a return policy that would be the best way to test. Cheers.
Cakewalk built in EQ vs. free plugin EQs
tonemangler replied to iZiKKO's topic in Instruments & Effects
Absolutely true, however back in those days the majority of those records were made in professional studios with great sounding rooms, expensive mics and analogue gear, not to mention the analogue consoles that imparted the colouration that we love. Of course nothing trumps knowledge, especially with mic placement so as to limit frequency issues in the first place. However the majority of us are recording digitally in home studios so I believe tools are also important, assuming you have reached a certain level of knowledge. I could probably get by with basic bass, mid and treble knobs, but it wouldn't sound as good. I record live instruments including drums in a small bedroom so notch equing is sometimes needed. Because I don't have a high ceiling my drum overheads are probably too close to the cymbals and sometimes I use dynamic eq to tame the bell of the ride. I find that harmonic distortion really helps me achieve that "analogue" sound. So although I agree 100% with your statement, I think modern tools are necessary to deal with problems associated with home recordings in the digital realm. I also believe that if the engineers back in the day had the tools we have today those records would have sounded better. Just my opinion of course. -
Cakewalk built in EQ vs. free plugin EQs
tonemangler replied to iZiKKO's topic in Instruments & Effects
A few years back I went to a seminar featuring a pro mixer from my city, Toronto. I have been to several of these types of seminars and Pro Tools is always the DAW that is used, except for this particular one where the mixer (sorry can't remember his name) used Sonar Platinum (it was just before the Gibson abandonment). I was really excited because I was a long time user. On every track he used the Pro Channel EQ and needless to say the mix sounded great! Personally I use the PCEQ for general shaping and the Sonitus EQ for notching. The one thing the PCEQ lacks is dynamics. For Dynamic EQ I have the Waves version. For flavour and additude I use SoundToys Sie-Q and more recently Arturia's excellent Pre TriA. With both these you can drive the plugin for saturation and they sound great. Cheers. -
It is rather quirky the way CbB handles soloing for busses and aux tracks. Sidechaining works best when using regular tracks, if you want to hear the effect when soloing make sure you set the send feeding the compressor to pre-fader. Soloing on busses acts differently to tracks. For example if you have a bass buss and solo it you will hear all the bass tracks feeding that buss, but as soon as you solo a track not feeding the bass buss, for example the kick track, you will no longer hear the bass buss, even though it remains soloed. This is because as soon as you solo the kick all the bass tracks are muted. Furthermore, you won't hear the kick either because the Bass Buss remaining soloed mutes the Drum Buss! If you put a compressor on a buss and feed it's sidechain from a track you need to solo the tracks not the busses to engage the effect. In your example, simply group the solo buttons of the DI Bass and Mic Bass tracks. Set the send of the Kick to Pre Fader. Now you can solo the grouped Bass tracks (not the buss) and the compressor will work. In my case I only work in track view so it is easy to make a Folder for all the bass elements and use the folder solo button. I agree that sending a pre-fader sidechain signal from a Track to a compressor on a Buss should result in the expected behaviour, but this is either a bug or a quirk. Another way is to create an Aux track for the bass elements and put the compressor on there. However you would need to set the kick send to pre-fader, solo it, and then turn it's volume all the way down in order to hear the effect when soloing the Bass Aux Track. So definitely not the best solution. Cheers
I believe you are right when it comes to Take Lanes. For me, before doing any comping you can automatically add nodes (clip gain or pan) in Take Lanes just the same as in Tracks. However after starting the comping process the automatic node insertion no longer works on Take Lanes, usually I have to add the nodes manually. I guess the reasoning is that normally you would comp a track, then bounce to clips and then edit the gain/pan envelope. I think this is a Cakewalk quirk...or maybe bug?
Some Plugins steal transport focus ...
tonemangler replied to Steve_Karl's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
l believe it's 'Alt+Tab'. -
I recently purchased the Arturia V7 Collection of synths, which is excellent, and I was using the B3 and found a prominent hum, which was authentic but annoying, thankfully there was a control to turn it down. Maybe something similar is happening with you?
This is how I do it, with the take lanes hidden I drag select, right click and 'Bounce to Clip(s)' and then open the take lane view and right click the parent track and choose 'Delete Empty Take Lanes'. Usually when I finish a comp I don't need all those rejected takes. However, I always duplicate with events and archive the track before I 'Bounce to Clip(s)' just in case, this has saved me in the past. I make a folder called 'Archived' which is at the bottom of my project and I keep all duplicated tracks there. I don't know why but I prefer this method over 'Flatten Comp'. Cheers.
Shift+G I am not aware of any one key combination that will do this, however under options you can configure Mouse Wheel Zoom Options. Personally I do not like simultaneous horizontal and vertical zooming but prefer only horizontal. Therefore I set vertical zoom to 1.000 and horizontal zoom to 1.500. You can set it to zoom at the Now Time or at the Cursor, but for what you want to do I would suggest Now Time, however you can experiment to see what suits you best. So with these settings you simply place the Now Time in the middle of the clip you want to zoom, press Alt+Mouse Scroll Wheel to horizontally zoom and then double click on an empty space in the track header for a full vertical zoom. This will fill the screen with the clip. Double clicking again in the track header will restore the vertical height to it's previous state. HTH Cheers.
{SOLVED} Moving all tracks, automation won't move with it ?
tonemangler replied to noynekker's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
That works too, I've never used it before. More than one way to skin this cat! -
{SOLVED} Moving all tracks, automation won't move with it ?
tonemangler replied to noynekker's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I believe the Slide function is only for moving audio and midi events and markers. The easiest way to do what you want is to select all tracks (Ctrl A), set Snap to full measure, engage Ripple Editing to All, and then simply drag the whole project by 2 measures. Afterwards make sure you disengage Ripple Editing. An alternative way is to select all tracks, click on Edit at the top, choose Cut Special, make your selections on what to cut (events and automation in this case), place cursor on the measure you want to paste, choose Paste Special and choose what to paste. Cheers. -
Maybe I'm stating the obvious here, but to select a region on a clip or an envelope you just click and drag on the clip or envelope, selecting on the timeline selects all tracks. I don't think this is a bug. It is very easy to make a selection and add nodes, simply click and drag on the envelope to make the selection and then move the cursor to the top of the clip until the icon changes to the envelope edit tool and then click and drag your mouse up or down. Nodes will be created automatically. This is a good tip that I also do sometimes, but TBH it's so easy to select a region and drag with nodes automatically created that I almost always do that. ?
When I solo a track that has a send to a bus I don't have to solo the bus as well to hear it's signal. For example if I solo a vocal track with a send to a reverb bus I can hear the vocal and the reverb, I don't have to solo the reverb bus to hear the reverb. Solo Override seems to work correctly for regular tracks, but not for busses or aux tracks. Solo Override should not solo a track/aux track/ bus, that makes no sense. It should only prevent the muting of a track/aux track/bus when something else is soloed. However it seems busses do not mute when tracks/aux tracks are soloed so there is no need to engage Solo Override on them. That being said there are definitely issues with Solo Override when pertaining to busses and aux tracks.