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Michael Vogel

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Everything posted by Michael Vogel

  1. Sorry you’re having these problems. Something from your post really stands out for me, the following; ”there is no way in hell I'm going to put this on my studio computer, luckily I still have my trusted X3 PE on the studio computer, which since I bought it some time ago, has NEVER let me down, “ So you’re running CbB on a different computer to X3PE which you say is on your Studio PC I’m having trouble understanding how you can compare the performance and stability of CbB on a completely different computer to your stable studio one where you’re running X3. Including myself, I know multiple people who run versions of Sonar in parallel to CbB on the same machine without problem. I don’t need the Sonar versions except for V-Vocal Anyway there seems to be plenty of room for doubt about your conclusions. Still you should do what you think works best for you.
  2. The following link is for my whole CAL repository. It’s stored in my OneDrive feel free to download the lot. The majority of the files are in the zip archive. The link is good go a week. https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ahg7GEVUP0HfvFn2ew71b680OgES . BTW - I’m no CAL programmer or expert of any kind so I can only help with the resources above. Hope it helps. It’s everything I could find on the Net about CAL.
  3. Ive not seen anyone mention this: The bottom line is that hardware does break so a long shot; is it possible that the USB port you are connecting to is faulty. Try another one. Try another device in the port in question. Sometimes Power settings deep in the advanced power management settings of windows can cause USB ports to shut down prematurely.
  4. The updates over the Bandlab years have contributed much to the Cakewalk Reference Guide’s usability. While large, its been pared down by several hundred pages yet becoming a more polished reference with every iteration. I really appreciate the effort going into it. There is so much depth to Cakewalk’s feature set that the Guide exposes. I recommend all users get more familiar with it.
  5. As the title suggest- Can anyone recommend a dealer offering a good discount on (WUP) Waves Update Plan? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Suggest you contact @Jim Roseberry, he’s a long time Cakewalk user, musician and his company, Studio Cat make DAWs among other systems. He also consults (for a modest fee) and will provide a parts list for a self build. it’s a great service because he knows which bits are compatible, reliable and suitable for your specific needs. contact him at the above through this forum
  7. Another recommendation to get some pro advice from Jim as to what to build or buy.
  8. I have a dual cassette deck, a VHS recorder, even a standalone CD/DVD player recorder - just in case but it’s been years since I’ve had any use for them. I have a similar timeline that covers PCs and their ancient OS’s going back to win 98se I think, in the end I use Win 10 21H1 Its the latest designation I think. I believe the reality of working with technology is to work at the front of the development line not bringing up the rear. There was a time when having the ability to time travel to meet a clients needs meant something, now it’s just a cluttered mess that would be better off in a museum than taking up precious space at my place. The various OS’s are simply images taking up a few gigs of space on a hard drive with some limited ancillary hardware to make it work if needed. Can’t remember the last time I did however.
  9. Thanks Kevin for helpful info. I’ve never run a VM so know nothing of the vagaries involved. Thanks Jack, Clearly there’s more suitable places than here for in-depth information , however I saw it as a simple Yes or no type answer. Also it was just convenient to ask as I was on the forum here, saw the Computer section and noted that the rules for posting here didn’t expressly forbid such a question even though not music or Cakewalk related.
  10. So did anyone follow up on Noel’s request to send in a project so that they can look at it because what’s being reported is not the expected behaviour.
  11. My Music PC (Win 10 Pro Latest version) has 6 HDD 1 x M.2 NvME and 2 SSD. I want to setup a Virtual Machine to run Home Assistant as a trial along with some other home automation programs.. Will all the programs setup to be running on the VM continue to run when I switch back to Win 10 Pro side of things. Assume the PC will be on 24/7. Suggestions/advice welcome. Thanks in advance of being overwhelmed by positive and useful responses.
  12. Look I’m sorry to have to say this, as a cat owner, I mean as one owned by cats, please stop the distasteful cat pics. If you don’t desist I’ll just have to report the posts to my cats. ??
  13. Nothing quite like spending hours diagnosing a fault, thinking you’ve found and fixed it, only to release the magic smoke; again. Acquainted well with magic smoke I am.
  14. Now don’t you feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. I’m sure your past clients will appreciate your contrition. ? Now how long did you dither over making this confession?
  15. You need to be sure what source you are actually monitoring/hearing. You may be moving a fader but not really monitoring/listening to that buss. If you’re new to this then check out the Reference Guide for a picture that shows how audio is routed throughout Cakewalk. See the section on Signal Flow starting on page 943. That will give you a general overview. You can download the most recent Cakewalk Reference Guide from May 2021 https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf Links to updates are posted in the main Cakewalk by Bandlab page in the pinned threads above.
  16. Audio benefits more from processor clock speed than it does in the number of processing threads/cores. Thats just the way it is and theres no setting to change that. You maybe referring to the meter that Cakewalk displays showing how the various cores are utilised. You’ll notice that there’s at least one that seems like it is being over utilised at the expense of the others. Thats natural though as audio is a really a single threaded process not spread across a number of cores. It’s just not something that can be manipulated in multiple parallel streams. Just the nature of the beast. While there are numerous processes involved that will be handled by other threads, the bulk of the processing power goes to the audio which will be handled by one thread. Now I’m just a layman and trying to keep it simple as I understand it. I’m sure that someone may come along and do a much better job of explaining it but that wont make a difference to the bottom line which is as I stated in my opening comment. You’d be much better off with a processor at 5.0 GHz with 8 cores than one at 4.0 GHz with 16 cores. Hope that helps even though its not what you’d like to hear.
  17. Just wandering; are you using it in Sonar or CbB? It has some quirks and those who continue to use it find small single clips and render them promptly.
  18. Oh man I needed that laugh at the expense of the Beetles of course.
  19. It’s a book I bought not long after the MIDI 1.0 spec was released. Not only did Craig Anderson write that book I’m pretty sure he was involved with the group who originally setup the MIDI 1.0 spec. He knows what he’s on about pretty much in most things musical. While it’s a great book for the absolute basics MIDI has evolved to become much more expansive over the decades.
  20. Bear in mind that like playing any musical instrument there are the mechanics of playing and then the extra bits that add feel/emotion into the music. That is the real art in writing music as MIDI. It’s important to have an appreciation for how an instrument is played, and how good the MIDI synth can replicate the sound of the chosen instrument and how well the composer can manipulate the MIDI to play like a real performance of that instrument. Example. You can write the notes (with MIDI) for a saxophone synth to play but how close to a real saxophone being played will it sound.
  21. I thought CAL was deprecated quite a while ago and Cakewalk would only support the few scripts that came in the installer.
  22. You could try Notion. It’s now owned by Presonus and part of Studio One.Not sure if a standalone version is still available but its a simple matter over going to the Presonus site and have a look around.
  23. See The Cakewalk Reference Guide pg 1093 for tips on why and how to use the console emulator. if you don’t have the reference guide see thread in the main Cakewalk page just a few threads above yours for a link
  24. Yep. Thats the nature of non-destructive editing. Everything is saved in the project audio folder. It’s a great protection however you can use the Clean audio tool to delete what may become an orphaned audio file. In a very real sense, the cwp file is a record of all the midi data recorded and all the audio edits done to the various audio files. But all the audio tracks remain in tact and true most recent saved project file will show all the latest edits. The referenced audiophile file remains unchanged. There are however various editing processes that are destructive and commit changes to disc. It’s worthwhile reading up the reference guide to come to grips with the ideas behind non-destructive editing. ON the surface it may seem wasteful but it makes for a very flexible and safe way to edit what is sometime extremely valuable audio data.
  25. With the complexity of a program like CbB, the learning path can often be dictated by where you jumped on the merry go round. I’ve always recommended getting to grips with the basics and building skills of greater complexity rather than “seeing” a task to complete and only taking those steps necessary for that. You lose cohesion between the various program functions. I understand however that CbB’s depth and complexity do make the “jump on the merry go round” process the more often taken path.
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