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Michael Vogel

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Everything posted by Michael Vogel

  1. But that’s only the update installer, not the full application as per the release note’s instructions re updating all dlls.
  2. It’s been through the 2202.09 release cycle that the issue of the updated dlls was presented by the devs as well as instructions on how to update all of them by using the full installer. How to access the full installer however is still not clear despite a lot of discussion.
  3. How do we access the full application installer as referenced in the 2022.09 release notes; “Note: If you do an update install of the application, only the main application and its DLL files will be updated with the new digital signatures. To update all signed components, you will have to run the full application installer.“
  4. For known files its far better to exclude them from scanning by your Anti Virus program. It saves a bit of overhead while using your DAW,.My anti virus is actually off while using my DAW.
  5. I’ve read the posts; I’m with John T. If the dots’ purpose is to indicate that data exists at a zoom level where that data is not currently visible, then surely the dots themselves should not disappear at any reachable zoom level.
  6. Hi Jonathan, it's certainly been a while since we've chatted. Prior to this occasion of doing a V-Vocal installation I've always followed those same steps as you've highlighted. Interestingly, after having installed Sonar X2, V-Vocal was immediately available and fully operational in CbB without doing a reinstall of the current version. I've not yet found any problems with CbB but am cautiously aware I might have to reinstall it if the X2 installation overwrote a file on which CbB relies.
  7. Yes. Cakewalk enables many tasks to be accomplished by various means often depending on the view that is exposed. In track view, select which editable parameters are exposed by using the button at the top of the tracks pane. If you select "All" (See attached pic) then you will see a horizontal slider for volume, Left click select and pressing enter will allow you to type in values. Many pictures and written instructions to be gained from the Cakewalk Reference Guide. A recommended read. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf or by using Cakewalk by Bandlab drop down menu at the top of the forum page.
  8. Glad you got it sorted out. You might like to edit your thread title by adding [SOLVED] to the end. That will let folks browsing the forum no that there’s a resolution for the posted issue.
  9. I’m not sure I agree that PC audio users are a minority. I’f anything I’d say it’s the other way around. Still, that’s not really the point. There are tools you can use to process the video files enabling choice of the video and audio codec used and the container in which they’re delivered. I used to use a free program called SUPER that allowed you to manipulate all aspects of video/audio files to get around compatibility or sync issues like you seem to be having. I’ll look it up and see if it’s still around. SUPER be careful. In the past there used to be lots of advertising on the page and it was easy to download another advertised app instead of SUPER. Give it a go, it pulled me out of quite a few tricky spots. You might have to go all the way to the end of the page. I’m using my phone at the moment and as it’s a PC application I’m not seeing all the correct page details. I hope it can offer you some help. Cheers,
  10. I assume by your comments that you’ve not rendered/processed your v-vocal Region Fx. Try rendering/processing the v-vocal clips (make duplicates) so that you don’t need to have the region fx active. It might eliminate the errors.
  11. I have a couple of sets of powered speakers; connected to a Presonus Central Station Plus for routing and monitoring selection for maximum flexibility 1 x Pair of JBL LSR2380 & LSR2310 Subwoofer 1 x Pair ADAM A7X Single Avantone MixCube for Mono monitoring I also have an older pair of Kef 2 way driven speakers powered by a fully re-built Marantz SR-96 THX Receiver which I use to test mixes in a home theatre environment. Fully recapped, with beefier transistors in both the preamp and output stages. It’s a very clean sounding amp which I’ve owned since new, though now pushing 30 years old. I had the rebuild done about 15 years ago by a specialist repairer as it had developed a fault which needed quite a bit of work in any case. All that said some basic room treatment will probably make a bigger difference than speakers and amp. Early reflection points (walls and ceiling) and bass trapping in corners can be extremely helpful and accomplished on a fairly modest budget, especially if you can do a bit of DIY.
  12. Can I ask why you have those 3 installed? You need at least a full install of any one of the 3 for V-Vocal but for included content and plugins you don’t need a full installation. E.g. I have all the plugins and content from Sonar 5 onward (when it went 64 bit) but only the program for X2 and CbB. Oh and I had Platinum installed believing it gave me access to v-vocal but it didn’t.
  13. You might have to try a virtual audio cable software like; VoicemeterBanana It should allow you to do what you want.
  14. All 64 bit. I had only Sonar Platinum (Splat) (for additional content) installed which doesn’t include V-Vocal. I then installed X2 selecting the advanced Installation then deselecting everything except Program Files then completed the installation.
  15. I notice you mention Quicktime. Apple dropped support for Windows many years ago. See article in link. https://support.apple.com/kb/dl837?locale=en_AU I have no sync issues with video in Cakewalk, using Vegas Pro 17 and even a really old version of Premiere from Adobe suite 6.0
  16. I’ve looked up Sitala which is a free Drum plug-in by Decomposer.de Still a new and possibly immature plug-in at V1.09 https://decomposer.de/sitala/ I’m not going to add it to my collection . Perhaps it’s just not very stable.
  17. It’s strange how these anomalies come about. It seems like there’s something else at play other than just the absence or presence of Cronus.dll. I noticed during the install of X2 that there was an MS library installed perhaps there’s some inter-dependency that is being effected. As long as you’re able to get it working. Cheers.
  18. V-Vocal needs the full Sonar X1 or X2 program (Not sure which but you don’t need both) installed to work with any later versions including all CbB (Cakewalk by Bandlab). Best to do the Sonar installation before CbB as if done after CbB, Sonar will overwrite some shared files with earlier versions. I hadn't used V-Vocal in quite some time and discovered I didn't even have it installed. To make sure that what I'd said above was accurate I decide to re-install V-Vocal and test out the instructions generally given to people. I selected the Advanced SONAR X2 installation and deselected all but the Program files and let the installer do its thing. On opening CbB and I was able to immediately use V-Vocal and edit audio with it as expected. Surprised I didn't need to reinstall Cakewalk over the top, as I had expected the X2 installation to have overwritten an existing CbB dependent file, so it "seems" all is OK at this stage. V-Vocal certainly works in the latest version of CbB. One additional point of note: I have always used Sonar/Cakewalk by Bandlab default paths. I have used Directory Junctions to redirect some default locations off the boot drive to conserve space. It would be interesting to know if others were also experiencing problems.
  19. Glad you got it going. I make changes so infrequently that I always have to follow the basic guide for setup as even after 8 years or so my brain still has trouble keeping the complicated setup clear. Only after major updates do I then have to "go back to basics" with the driver manual. These days I use it all so infrequently that it takes a while to once again familiarize myself with all nuances of the various screens in the driver and eMotion mixer where settings have to be made. Cheers.
  20. Not often I’ve heard of someone else using Waves Soundgrid with Cakewalk. I’ve been using it for about 8 years or so. Make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waves Central installed and do a repair installation of your Soundgrid Drivers. I’ve just gone a full WUP and upgraded to V14 for plugins and the drivers are 1 generation behind at V13. Make sure that Cakewalk’s not set to look for WASAPI drivers. With ASIO selected close Cakewalk do a PC reboot and open it again. Hope that helps. I run a Soundgrid server IOS and a IOX connected via my network so have no experience using non-Soundgrid hardware. Hope you get it sorted. Whenever I’ve had issues with drivers I’ve always gone back to basics and followed the manual which I’ve linked below.
  21. Welcome to the forum. If you are going to buy then assemble your own components, I recommend getting in touch with Jim Roseberry (Purrfect Audio) who’s a forum member and long time Cakewalk user. His company builds computers specialising in DAWs. I’ve built several DAWs over the decades, starting with a 30 min consultation resulting in a component list, linked to suppliers. Jim is constantly testing the latest components and as a musician he’s well placed to build a DAW or recommend components for you. Just use the forum’s Direct Messaging service to search for and message him. Jim’s a great resource and many Sonar/Cakewalk users have used his services. His consulting is modestly priced and full built bespoke DAWs are very competitively priced also. Hope that’s of help.
  22. Thanks a lot. Much appreciated. Interestingly when I was searching for a little more info I found posts on the old Cakewalk forum going back to 2004 with requests for a utility to convert from .ptn to .mid files. I’ve linked the threads below for your interest. Link01 Link02 Link03 Link04
  23. Waves don't use iLok and haven't for quite a few years. They load nearly instantly for me even in Native mode ie when not using my Waves Soundgrid Server. Simply to say that it’s not a universal problem - rather more likely that it is something to do with your use case.
  24. Welcome to the forums and Cakewalk by Bandlab, commonly called CbB It is possible that the song has data of some sort in the file after the last note that leaves the cursor moving after what you think is the end. Examine the file by using different views which will show you if other unseen data is causing the problem. It could be a volume envelope or some extraneous MIDI data. Once you find it you can delete it, so your song ends appropriately and starts the next one in your playlist.
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