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Bristol_Jonesey last won the day on December 7 2024

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  1. I use it offline all the time I call that reasonable And Cakewalk by Bandlab is light years ahead of Platinum. And it's free.
  2. Do a "save as" to a completely different location, making sure "copy audio with project" is ticked. You can easily move it elsewhere when you've done.
  3. I'd be taking this up with XLN Audio, see what they have to say
  4. Try putting a volume envelope on the bus containing the Sonitus Delay. Drop it to -INF
  5. That's right, you cannot split a clip with active Region Fx. Render or bounce down, then split
  6. Is this an actual question? I can tell you now if you've never owned a legally registered version of Sonar 8.5 then you will NEVER be able to obtain one now.
  7. I've downloaded your midi file and can confirm the following: The last note data appears at measure 107:03:000 (Timestamp 4:24:08) On the drum/percussion track (12) the snare on note D3 starts off with a duration of 10 ticks which is about right for a snare track But this changes at measure 43 and becomes over an entire measure in length, which I would shorten to 10 ticks But at measure 107:03 where it's supposed to stop, you have a single event which lasts for 430 measures! This is why your project doesn't stop when it should. Delete it The reason you can't hear it is because at the point, the volume is being attenuated down to -INF in TTS-1 (the synth I used to test it) Hope this helps
  8. Ripple Edit is a potential culprit So is Offset Mode. Have you got little + signs next to any of the volume/pan controls
  9. According to his post history, this is the only post he's made, yet it says "2" under his name above. Strange
  10. Have you bounced the track down to itself after engaging looping? This is what the "Offline" part of Offline Render refers to.
  11. Who's "we"? I've never seen anyone specifically asking for ASIO4ALL support New users have a responsibility to themselves for at least researching the topic - I did and have never had a driver problem Because you're advocating a return to 30 year old technology which never worked properly. And besides, "upset" is a bit of a stretch, more concerned ?????????????????????
  12. You need to try and work out why the UI is becoming slow. Rolling back to a previous version is just papering over the cracks. Some idea about your system would be useful.
  13. You could try shifting your base octave down
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