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Jorge Arias

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Everything posted by Jorge Arias

  1. https://www.voxengo.com/product/latencydelay/ Free
  2. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.064.html
  3. Thank you very much Noel and the whole team!. These modifications greatly simplify the work when working with many tracks. Great job!
  4. Thank a lot Kevin!!! I was able to retrieve the little sign, it was driving me crazy hahaha
  5. I have noticed that one or more updates ago, a little sign that appeared when one placed the mouse over it disappeared from the performance module. it indicated percentage of processor in use, late buffers, etc. I can't enable it and I don't know if they decided to remove it.
  6. I have an Arturia Keylab 61 essential. Previously it used the HUI protocol and some things worked if others didn't. With the update I switched to the Mackie MCU protocol in universal control mode and almost all functions now work including save and undo, loop, faders and panning. it really is much better!!! Thanks a lot!
  7. Great job!. logical is one of my favorite themes, this version improves it even more
  8. try this one https://techivation.com/t-de-esser/ https://sleepytimedsp.tumblr.com/downloads https://www.kvraudio.com/product/free-effects-by-dead-duck-software#:~:text=The Dead Duck Free Effects,AutoFilter.
  9. I had the same problem, the only thing I can contribute is that it has to do with the content of the folder VSTBitmapCache. you can access it by running %appdata% and then selecting the cakewalk folder and then VSTBitmapCache. there are the icons.
  10. try this and then https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab?fbclid=IwAR26KIPAYgQdt7LRtxV7tZ-WJdOIWZ-sutqF5qhqHP6URzdtX0yCN798LCA
  11. Is there some kind of visual indicator that the function is activated?
  12. I'm glad you fixed the problem. I suggest you change the header of the post and add [SOLVED] to guide future readers
  13. Try this https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab?fbclid=IwAR26KIPAYgQdt7LRtxV7tZ-WJdOIWZ-sutqF5qhqHP6URzdtX0yCN798LCA
  14. Obviously I worked with Mercury Theme. I've been a Cakewalk user for thirty years ... Sorry, I don't see an error there, just tastes
  15. It is a matter of taste, in my opinion I do not see that it is a bug, not even an inconvenience, and for that there are changes of themes and colors
  16. to check if it is a problem with that color combination or if it happens in all
  17. try changing the theme to another with a different color combination...
  18. in principle a VCA fader does not receive or send audio to any output. It only controls the levels of the faders it is routed to. Nor does it modify the position of them physically
  19. well, a VCA fader allows you to control the volume of a group of faders without them moving, unlike the common grouping, allowing among other things to assign an automation and control the entire group or assign it to several groups.
  20. well, a VCA fader allows you to control the volume of a group of faders without them moving, unlike the common grouping, allowing among other things to assign an automation and control the entire group or assign it to several groups.
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