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Everything posted by ceakay

  1. ceakay


    This song was all made in Cakewalk. Enjoy https://soundcloud.com/user-620104591/tomorrow
  2. By setting it to WASAPI Shared and making my input to RealTek Stereo Microphone Array fixed my recording problem. But because of WASAPI I am getting crazy delay in playback (I would start the song and like 10 secs after it would play). Is there a fix?
  3. Thanks for all the feedback. I guess I will experiment with my audio drivers and see what happens.
  4. I will consider buying an audio interface. But the thing is that Cakewalk was recording perfectly fine before. Shouldn't their be another solution before I pay for an audio interface?
  5. I have not considered purchasing an audio interface. But when I reopened Cakewalk and created the track, it no longer said the "not connected" next to the ASIO4ALL box. But the recording still isn't working.
  6. When I was working on a song, I wanted to record audio. My microphone was working fine, but when I opened Cakewalk a little while later, nothing was happening. No audio was being recorded. However, when I was trying to fix it, I heard that there was slight noise. I tested to see what was happening so I banged my desk really loud and I saw the line move up, but just very little. But, when I played it back, there was no sound, and the audio clip that I record was just a straight line. I also have ASIO set in my settings, if that information helps. I also notice this when I was adding a track. If someone can help that would be great cause this is driving me crazy.
  7. That makes sense. A lot of themes I have seen always have the same color for the background of the media browser.
  8. Great theme! Definitely going to be adding it my collection of themes. I know are still working on it, but here is a quick suggestion: Is it possible to make the media/plugin browser the same color as the background of the clips pane (and the Help Module) ? I think it would just make everything fit together more nicely. That is actually the only suggestion I have, to be honest. Great work, Colin!
  9. Do you have a recommendation for any other drivers?
  10. Sorry, here's the information: OS: Windows 10 Driver: Realtek High Definition Audio (version Version of Cakewalk: 2020.05 I hope this information is enough to solve my audio problem. If this isn't enough information, then you can ask for more specific things.
  11. I am on ASIO. I did notice, though, that when a played an wav file while Cakewalk was open, it said something about a program is using the audio (so it couldn't play the file), even when I unchecked the suspend audio when Cakewalk isn't in focus. And, youtube says audio render error.
  12. I fixed this a long time ago by unchecking the "suspend audio engine when Cakewalk is not in focus". But, just recently, my other windows were muted from Cakewalk. I think it could be because I changed the buffer speed to have less delay on my audio clips (but I'm not fully sure if that's the case).
  13. ceakay

    Audio Delay

    Got it. ?
  14. ceakay

    Audio Delay

    I'm on version 2020.05 and I am on Windows 10. I amalso using ASIO. I have read to change buffer speed (something like that), but in the settings, it is grayed out.
  15. ceakay

    Audio Delay

    I have been getting delay on my audio clips. For example, audio clips of risers or kicks play off beat because of the delay. I have read things like driver problems, but I am still confused on how to fix it, or if it might be a different problem.
  16. I was wondering if there is a way to record over a MIDI clip. For example, my MIDI controller has a pitch shifter and I wanted to record over my clip while doing some pitch changes. However, the clips starts playing volume. Thanks in advance.
  17. I was wondering if someone can make, or if one is already existing, a theme that looks like Ableton Live 10's default theme (the light grey one).
  18. I think I actually solved the problem. Instead of clicking "always echo MIDI", I checked the box "echo system exclusive". So, when I click the echo symbol on the track, it now works.
  19. I just recently set up my MIDI device and it isn't making any noise through my VST's. I see the keys being pressed on the PRV, but no noise is coming out. Then, after I re-open Cakewalk, it shows up with this message: Then, I checked always echo MIDI in the playback section. This caused it to make noise. But, a while back I unchecked that box because I had a problem where the instruments were playing through the wrong clips because of that. So, it would be really nice if someone told me how to fix this.
  20. I know that the wheel thing is used to pitch bend notes, but how do I know what note it is pitch bending to? Also, how do I make the pitch-bend more smooth. For example, whenever I pitch bend, it does it in rectangle things, and not smooth curves.
  21. It says that you can do things like that, but I'm not sure if it said how to (I probably didn't catch it).
  22. I was wondering how to automate knobs of plugins. For example, an EQ, reverb, distortion, etc.
  23. Thanks, that is really useful and makes things much quicker.
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