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Everything posted by ceakay

  1. Thanks, Wookiee. I appreciate the tips for the EQ of my song!
  2. I think I could've done better with the kick in the beginning (the one with lots of low-pass filter when the first drums came in). It did sound a little off to me. And maybe added more bass on the beat drop. I appreciate that you think it was ok, though. That makes me feel so much better! ?
  3. Here is a song I made and posted recently. It definitely has some mixing problems so some tips would be great. ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VEhNxMDPEE
  4. Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to change the background color of a clip. I wanted to experiment and try making a bunch of different stuff, like a transparent background clip. Or, is there a way to make the clip the color you made the track instead of the midi? That would be great to know!
  5. If you want to edit the track on the side mixer thing, you would click the name of the track. And yea, the number just selects, like if you want to select multiple tracks.
  6. ceakay

    Group tracks in Cakewalk?

    Thanks for the tips!
  7. ceakay

    Group tracks in Cakewalk?

    Thank you!! My projects were getting way too unorganized. ?
  8. Is there a way to group tracks in Cakewalk? For example, if any has ever used an art program, you can group layers into folders, and then click an arrow to drop down to see the layers. Same thing with Ableton. I've seen people group tracks and it looks very organized. I know you can color code in CbB, but is there a way to somehow connect a track so it will looked more organized and be less cluttered in the track pane. Here is an image to kind of explain what I am talking about: (The drums group drops down to a kick, a second kick, and a snare)
  9. Thanks, I got that theme when it came out though ?. I appreciate it though!
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlmHDQc-zII&t=41s
  11. Thank you so much, that's some useful info.
  12. Sorry, I might've been unclear. My new question is if there is a way to see the pitch of a note using the wheel. In the picture below, I wanted to know if I can see a specific note it was pitch bending it to.
  13. I usually use the synth Surge. I usually use the synth Surge.
  14. Yeah, pitch bend events. I know it can be done with the wheel option. So is there a way to see a specific note using the wheel? It is hard pitch bending when not knowing the if I'm keeping it in the scale of the song.
  15. I asked the question about pitch-bending before, but that was using the bottom part with the wheel option. But is there a way to do this in the piano role? Like overlapping with legato notes.
  16. Here is a song I made. I don't post these types of beats on SoundCloud so here is a YT link (full song at 3:41): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Bd-4EAqNI
  17. Oh my goodness! This feature is insanely helpful! Why did I never see anybody use this? Thanks Scook!
  18. Quick question: how do you drag across your screen the the track view? By this I mean like dragging your screen to navigate instead using the scroll wheel or something like that.
  19. Yeah cakewalk is better than lots of paid daws. I just wish it had a built in sampler so I can easily play samples through midi or edit samples without a 3rd party plugin.
  20. Here is another edm song I made in Cakewalk. There are two links but you can click one of them (one is SC and the other is YT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nObWVQDh__0 https://soundcloud.com/user-620104591/reflections
  21. I'm enjoying that theme a lot. Great work!
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