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Everything posted by Beagle

  1. I was not renaming the workspace, so that may be the issue. I have always had "Apply Workspace on Project Load" checked. I will try naming it something different and see what happens the next time I get an update. thanks for the help!
  2. Hey guys, yep, sock monkey, it's me! haven't been around much in a long time! yes, I did kinda rant and didn't return for a while, sorry about that... yes, to everyone who responded, I am using CbB, I did not move to the paid version. and so with that I realize NOW that I've posted this in the wrong forum! I should have posted in CbB. but every time I get an update, my CB resets to the top of the screen and then I have to resave a new default workspace with my CB at the bottom and with "ALL" on the controls seen and a few other custom settings I like. if you're saying that I have to buy Sonar 2024 in order to stop that behavior, then I'm not really interested in that at this time. that would suck if I had to pay for that behavior.
  3. I don't understand why it's important to reset my workspace to default on every release. I like having my control bar at the bottom of the screen and EVERY SINGLE TIME that a new release is downloaded and installed, I have to open a project and SAVE the workspace AGAIN. PLEASE STOP resetting my workspace every time I install an update!
  4. Hey daryk me ol mate and bapu!!!!! this is really nice! the intro really grabbed me right away. great, catchy chorus. bridge was quite different... always love your voice mate. always love the bapster's bazz great stuff!
  5. Hi all! here's a remake of a song I wrote a few years ago. I wrote the song as a tribute to a friend who had lost his life due to depression and addiction. some of the folks of this forum helped me on the original and some of you may remember the original version. thanks for listening! critiques are welcome! Lead Vox, drum programming, B3, mixing: Reece Beagle Bain Rhythm Guitar, Bass, BGVs: Michael Hanson Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, BGVs: Sean Peifer Additional BGVs: Beverly Bain, Diana Hudson
  6. Thanks so much John! glad you appreciate it! Thanks Tim! I always struggle with tempo. did I do it too fast? too slow? IDK. if we ever redo this one I'll consider a faster version! thanks Appreciate it Paul!
  7. Really great Paul! production is top notch on this! loved the guitars great work!
  8. Beagle

    Milo !

    Hey Kenny! this is just great! toe tappin' fun! loved the guitars - awesome playing as usual!
  9. Hey Bjorn, this is really good! I've tried using Z3TA+ before but never could get it to sound like I wanted it. you've done a great job with it here!
  10. Beagle

    Peace Be Still

    Really nice Tim! loved it!
  11. Hey Rich! great song! love your daughter's harmonies!
  12. Hey Jack, good song I agree with my friends above, keep at it, it's a learning process and you have potential!
  13. Very nice, John! it was too short, tho!
  14. Hey Doug, love the guitar fills on this. chorus is really good. thanks for sharing.
  15. Beagle

    The Lord's Prayer

    Hey Tim - this is really great! I love the guitar and flute and really nice instrumentation. if I could critique a little, though, your vocals sound "distant" - as if you were singing too far away from the mic. the sound of your voice is great, you have a good voice - but the recording of your vocals is very different from the instrumentation. they sound like 2 completely different things that have been put together.
  16. Thanks so much David! yeah, I love having the ladies sing with us, but it makes mixing a lot harder! lol!
  17. Thanks so much Freddy! I'll look into the levels on the lead vox. appreciate it!
  18. Thanks Bapsi! appreciate it my friend!
  19. Ha! that's a cool compliment Lynn! I wish I could sound like Bon!
  20. Thanks Wook my friend! I appreciate the feedback!
  21. Thanks so much Douglas! appreciate the great review!
  22. Thanks so much, Bjorn! I had a really hard time mixing the vocals with the extra voices. I'll look into your suggestion, thanks so much!
  23. Hey everyone! this one's about to fall off the page without any comments...is it that bad???
  24. Hey Daryk me ol' mucker! LOVE it! as always, love your stuff! Bapu's ok too! and Mesh! awesome!
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