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Everything posted by Topcheese

  1. Yeah I still keep Nora handy just in case I reach a roadblock down the line to fill out a track.
  2. Is this suppose to be thread on deals or what, now I see racist post are to become the norm? Facts also do matter. Thanks for the well wishes anyway ZokZTM https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/fact-checks/400867-false-president-akufo-addo-did-not-caution-ghanaians-against-a-covid-19-plan-by-rockefeller-foundation.html
  3. Transfuser 2, Liquid Rhythm/Music, BIAB.
  4. I don't think so, I didn't see it anywhere.
  5. I see my plugins went off sale. I'll have to wait to see what else they have to offer.
  6. I think they still have a couple of W.A. Prod synths on sale. I already have Hybrid 3.
  7. Now if I could only put together an album. With over a 100 unfinished songs,you'd think I'd finish a couple by now. Perhaps this will help encourage me.
  8. Well the solution fixed the problem for me. I believe it did work if I dragged from Keys to Bass timeline, but would crash if dragged to the drop target. If you pin both windows to stay open then it doesn't crash S1. I found the info from the following thread. https://forums.presonus.com/viewtopic.php?t=39867&p=233314
  9. Not Cubase, but dragging from EZkeys still causes it to crash SO4 on win 10. Works fine with other plugins and in MixCraft 9. Edit: Yeah I forgot to actually do a search first, but It's a known issue. I may have found a solution.
  10. Well I hate to sound like a salesman or something, but this is one of the best plugins in my arsenal. I was going to post something earlier on the Accusonus drum bundle deal, but I decided it might be rude of me. I think TF@ still runs circles on drum plugins being released today. Yeah the sounds and the gui are dated, but for what it can do it's a no-brainer for me. If I didn't have it already then I might have looked at the other deal. I find it a quite versatile plugin AND fx ... yes it does both. Words only mean so much, but as luck has it I just dropped a track today using it and EZ-Bass, so you can judge for yourself. I'm not a top hit-maker or producer, but I try to do my best, so if you can get past my bad songwriting. I'm only using TF2 for the rhythm track, and that includes all internal fx. TF2 is running about six different loops with one using a random stutter fx. The loops are a mix of stock and custom, as it is with EZ-Bass. I just wish they'd update TF2 like they just did with some of the others.
  11. Probably no worst than Ebay. /s
  12. I'm just mad because I finally bit the bullet and upgraded Kontakt, so that i can get in on all the good deals for the full version. I don't know what to think now.
  13. I'll just take the serial number and paste it somewhere so I can compare it with my keyboard. Increasing the font also helps.
  14. Yeah I'm pretty impressed with how they all handled it and provided the correct keys. I had trouble reading one of the DVD's but it did work when copied on my Mac. I guess the first machine didn't have a dual layer DVD drive. I was going to buy some more but I got suckered in to buying the Komplete upgrade from Best Service. I will pick up more loops from them at some point because I feel that I have to have them. lol
  15. Well I had to contact MF, and they said they would look into it. UVI got back to me, but nothing from MVPLoops yet. I'm a little disappointed but things happen. I've ordered from them before without problems ... except my original account seemed to have been deleted. Except for that problem, I'm happy with them. The customer service rep was great, so I can wait.
  16. That shouldn't stop them from being able to revoke the license on the backend, freeing it up for the new user. I guess MVPL could also expect a new payment from MF for the new license. Perhaps it's an issue on the backend, I thought it was weird that I got the same error on the UVI site.
  17. Yeah I got the same error again on MVPloops with both products. I was really looking forward to adding them to my setup, I hope it can get worked out.
  18. And it says both of my products are already used. ? Urban Vault and Sound Platoon. Edit: Perhaps if I went to the correct website in the first place. I'm not sure why I went to the UVI site.
  19. I didn't order this, but the two other items that I ordered on the 5th from MF should be here today.
  20. I thought I was the only one that caught the Stylus rmx, I was all over that for $99! hahaha
  21. I think audio seems to work, but it also crashes on me in Studio One with midi. Some plugins work, but oddly enough it crashes hard when I try it from EZkeys. That's with the latest update patch 1.3.0.
  22. I see what you mean about the "midi thru" not being there, but then why are you even using EZbass to record to begin with. If you want the features of EZbass then you'll have to record into it to get those features. If you like the sound of MODO bass, then just record the other way around, then use the tools in EZbass to do what you need. Sorry if I'm missing something again.
  23. Also it might help, but in S1 it won't record unless "Monitor" is enabled on both tracks. Maybe it's the same in Cakewalk?
  24. Except for midi is limited, so that's why they give you features in EZbass to create something more expressive in it. Unless you play it live and record the performance ... right?
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