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Everything posted by Topcheese

  1. What I logged in for one comment? I was hoping there'd be more, perhaps over on Reddit. I know they had a super deal on them before, and I believe it was a lot more in that deal. I do like that it also comes with the MPC content, and the presets don't look too bad.
  2. This made me remember that I don't remember what I have. I've always wanted to pick this up, because I had the X3 and some packs for it from them. I'm about to sell a bunch of my stuff, but I'm going to try and make libraries first using my Maschine. I hope I didn't miss the deal.
  3. That and Transfuser 3 is still my quick and easy go to for slicing and dicing audio loops.
  4. i was jut going to use FREE prime and call it a day. Who cares about a stinking manual as long as it works, and it's a daw so i can figure out the rest. Who exactly are they trying to reach at that price point, when you already have several lower priced SKU's. Silly rabbit, other DAW's are for kids, S1 is for the adults in the room with the deep pockets. lol
  5. I could swear up and down I have at least one product from them. I thought I picked up a free one off PB, but can't find anything. Oh well.
  6. What you talking about Willis, and I wasn't invited? I love their stuff!
  7. I haven't been producing any music lately, oddly enough I just decide to update this one today. This is one of the reasons I got this one is because of the solid stream of updates.
  8. Which is not nearly as good as this one. I hate not being able to to afford these right now, but maybe some day over the rainbow. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1433081-REG/native_instruments_25801_komplete_12_ultimate_collector_s.html
  9. You didn't notice the original post day of Oct 2, and it's way past 48 hours. Although yesterday I though it was $39 in the U.S.
  10. I haven't had time to produce anything lately, but I'm always a sucker for 100% royalty-free vocal bundles. I'm really liking the demos, but it's not letting me buy it. Cart keeps showing up empty. ?‍♂️
  11. So he's now firing test missiles? Yet here you are, I hear those re-education camps in China are no joke, oh wait for it ... I doubt you'll ever see this comment.
  12. What gets me is that they show the coupon as an option, but it isn't applied. It says that you can only use it on one item, and I only have one item in the cart. I guess they lose this sale.
  13. Yeah I might check out the demo, it's just that I already have a ton of these, but it is looking like a good piece of software. I should have my PC running again before the end of the sale.
  14. It seems like they want the cake and eat it too, and that's going to cost money. How much is the upgrade for the latest Cakewalk? Is that crickets I hear? The times are a changing, and I've heard that S1-5 was faked like the moon landing. They say just reverse the version number 5.4 and what do you have? 4.5 ?
  15. Check out all these throwbacks languages created by Moses on his tablet running sacrificial ram ... it's Web Audio and JS all the way, or bust!
  16. Well I hope it ain't some of the same people complaining who buy into the "Total" Studio Max and Komplete "Ultimate" deals. I mean they wring your booty every year for extra cash, and yet this gives you more in return than those lottery tickets you probably picked up the other day. I'm going to do my research and perhaps jump on this deal. Granted you don't get the public services along with the tickets, but in the sense of winning this deal doesn't seem all that bad. I may be way too old school, but I remember a time when it was just the thought that counted. Edit: No I didn't! ?‍♂️
  17. I thought the sounds were good, but the GUI was kind of difficult to navigate.
  18. And actual users of the product would've said ... no. You listing the version number for LR, the last update to LM wasn't that big of a change.
  19. I guess I should have looked into it, and it does now make sense. Thanks for pointing that out!
  20. It seems kind of cool, but that's a huge price leap to the Pro version.
  21. I'm probably one of the few that will pass on it. I'm good with what I got, but I'd really only be interested in going from standard to ultimate, so I'd have to catch a really good killer deal on that. Don't get me wrongs these seem like good deals, but I haven't produces any music in months, and I'm not sure when I'll start up again.
  22. Topcheese

    Should I?

    With all due respect you are a junkie. I got you covered,
  23. Topcheese

    Should I?

    Can you really be all that productive without first satisfying your jonesing?
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