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Mark Dineen

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Everything posted by Mark Dineen

  1. This is a good one -- a poor man's ProC2, if you don't have that. The autogain and auto threshold settings are nice features; I like the dbx160 emulation in particular. If you can add in other plugins with the same discount like Moon OS says, it's worth grabbing the LU or Vu meter gain staging ones for next to nothing: they get used on just about every track here. The tape is actually quite good too!
  2. Grab this if you don't already have it! It's the poor man's Gullfoss -- not nearly as many bands, but can produce very similar results on many sources for less CPU hit!
  3. Hydro -- drench your tracks with dubious guitar tones, drown out annoying vocals.
  4. DISCEQ -- just for Mastering Disco tracks. Soon to be followed by the BGEQ -- for smoothing nasal frequencies from high falsettos.
  5. The Focusrite FAST Reveal, which will detect and perform frequency clashes and ducking, can be had for $15.73 with code FASTSUMMER. https://collective.focusrite.com/products The Hornet MultiFreqs, which can detect clashes across a number of tracks, is on sale for 4.50 euros -- 70% off -- or you could wait about another week for 80% off! https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-multifreqs/
  6. Mark Dineen

    Come On Larry

    How about some Hornet plugins for 70% off! Oh,....thanks Larry!
  7. Thank you! Grabbed Xstressor and the Oven -- good timing for me!
  8. 20220620 takes off 20%, but a bit of patience will take take off 50, 60, 70, 75, or 80% when it does show up in one of the sales in a few weeks.
  9. Good review here; you can tell for sure by the face:
  10. Stephenson's Snow Crash is where Propeller Head snagged the name Reason for their software!
  11. Subscribed! Who's old enough to remember Colossus: The Forbin Project?! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064177/
  12. Sorry, copied wrong one! try 20220620
  13. code still working that takes 20% off sale price: 20220610
  14. Happy Birthday Larry, but be careful with them -- accumulating too many altogether has been known to do some people in!
  15. An archived review from Honest Amp Sims: https://web.archive.org/web/20210126223609/https://honestampsimreviews.com/2020/12/28/audio-assault-reamp-studio/ $5 with coupon AA-BF-22 which is still active. Lots of good sounds in there for very cheap!
  16. Anyone remember this? Gotta give Slate credit for innovation in this area; not sure whether this is available with the "All Access" subscription: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYuHTHGEqfU
  17. Survey code is: SURVEY1011 Needs to be used before Nov. 21 Just picked up total EQ for 7.56 euro
  18. Can't seem to PM you Francisco, here's a voucher: 2021-05-25U3PFNBQNSL
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