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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. Ya my previous comments were based on initial demo. I now have all four, alterboy/vocal bender/ovox/vocalsynth and use them in a similar manner that you described.
  2. I have both. Vocal bender is more like little alterboy (pitch and formant shifting). Ovox is more like vocalsynth (resynthesizer). So I use them differently and in my experience haven’t found one can replace the other.
  3. Check offers on your heavyocity account. I had a $20 off coupon for mosaic pluck bringing it down to $79. Probably for owning other mosaic instruments.
  4. Hi, Wanted to share that another user created a Vital template. Super handy for NKS/KK support. It's work in progress but pretty nice so far. Only has previews for non-subscription content. https://forum.vital.audio/t/nks-version-work-in-progress/2435
  5. Not even thinking, I read this out loud as written and immediately got a weird look from my buddy haha
  6. Construction kits help you get a crack on it
  7. I saw the thread, adjusted my seat, and then saw you stole my joke…haha I should get a hobby. I hear making music is fulfilling and there is more to it than just buying plugins hahah
  8. Also updated, Cameo (8GB download to 1.0.5 to fix “click” in bell, are you kidding me hehe ) and Emulation II (2.7GB download to 1.4.4 to fix French Horns corrupted samples, okay maybe this one)
  9. Even the chair thinks it’s getting robbed..
  10. Fyi....Black Friday price was $65. This is same 50% discount. I’ve seen some flash sales for 40% off in case you miss this one but not sure how often they pop up.
  11. I could’ve sworn I already had Icarus 2 but that first sentence made me double check hehe Jason makes a great NKS implementation for Icarus 2. Highly recommended. https://freelancesoundlabs.com/index.php/downloads/komplete-kontrol-vst-packs/item/226-icarus-nks-browser-for-komplete-kontrol-maschine
  12. The preset walkthroughs sound really good for this synth. Depends what you are after but I personally really liked Pigment 2 and with the update I’m really liking Pigment 3. Tons of sounds plus engines (granular, etc) are great for sound design. I may pickup Hyperion at some point also but right now pigments is keeping me busy.
  13. Not really BFD related but I couldn’t find my answer until now about how this would affect other fxpansion instrument, so posting in case anyone else is wondering. As someone else mentioned ROLI bought fxpansion in 2016. From info below this is how they will handle other instruments and this sale only affects BFD. “The sale will see the popular FXpansion BFD drum software along with its sample libraries, and its development staff of four, move over to InMusic. The remainder of FXpansion titles, such as Strobe 2 and Cypher 2, will remain under ROLI’s stewardship.”
  14. Yes, NI Diva price was $89.50 instead of regular $179. Found my old email i like Aiyn’s presets. They are really good and amazing for things like Trance and other similar genres. His libraries usually average $29 so at full price would put Diva at around $130 in this deal. So some discount but definitely not as good as NI deal. By the way Aiyn sells this preset bundle on his site for $85. Diva not included of course. https://www.aiynzahev-sounds.com/collections/diva
  15. Nice update..super shady now
  16. I have Vr monitor. Haven’t used it as much as I would like to this is how I use it. With vr monitor you can check your mix to see how it sounds in a club/other environments or using different speaker configs like surround sound (5.1,7.1 etc) with headphones. In order to check surround sound options you need to set the output config in your DAW first and VR monitor will match. Silly me I thought, let me check surround sound with ableton but when I tried to use it in my master everything was greyed out in that section. But when i moved to logic I realized you have to set the DAW first and then VR monitor will let you use headphones to check the mix without actually using the surround sound speakers. Sienna for me is more about the environment to mix and VR monitor is more about how that mix translates to other environments and configurations. Yes Sienna does include some consumer speakers to see how mix translates like Sonarworks always included but it’s not how I use it. And yes VR monitor does include a control room environment plus Dolby ATMOS support. I have sonarworks too so as others on gearspace have pointed out, for mixing they use sienna plus sonarworks in series. Once Im all done I use vr monitor to check out different acoustics and room settings. Maybe overkill as I then play all my music on my iPhone only hahah
  17. Agree..why pay $12 when you could’ve bought it for $600
  18. I heard prices would be high
  19. My buddy was in geek squad. He was one notch above being just a gamer. If he refurbished these he probably used gum, a toothpick, and some duct tape. Buy at your own risk hehhe
  20. kevin H

    New PA_EXT

    First thought that came to mind when I saw PA_EXT subject was pest control / exterminators. I was a bit off in my guess hehe
  21. I’m out so can’t listen to audio examples but are these street gang vocals? Haven’t tried integrating anything like that before hehe
  22. Great.....I was actually planning to do some work tomorrow. Now day will be shot staring at this forum all day hahah
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