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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. I missed this email so posting now. I believe offer ends tonight. Hopefully you catch this before it’s over. https://www.echosoundworks.com/house-pianos While you are there check out his free downloads area. He has a ton of stuff including free vital, serum, kontakt, massive, etc presets. https://www.echosoundworks.com/free-downloads His premium (for sale) presets/libraries are also really good.
  2. EvilDragon (Kontakt wiz), explained this in another forum: “ADDED It is now possible to set a user library path in the Kontakt options Loading Tab What this means that for all your non-Kontakt Player libraries, you can dedicate one folder on any of your hard drives, and put all of them there (OR create symbolic links to them, basically grouping all of the non-Player content that you might have in one single location!) Now, if on another machine you do the same thing (could be a different folder, different drive, whatever - as long as the layout of library subfolders within the non-Player content path is identical between the two machines), this means your projects will be completely portable! Which means, no more "Missing samples" dialog when moving your project between PC and Mac, or whatever else have you! I tried it between my desktop and my Surface Pro 4 (libraries were installed in completely different places on the respective hard drives, and I symlinked them into a non-Player content path of my choice on each machine) and it works like a dream! Of course, the checkbox that is below the non-Player content path field should be checked, so that relative paths are used based on the non-Player content path itself.”
  3. If you set a new category Christian likely will think we won’t reach it hahah
  4. Thanks abacab. I actually use freelancesoundlabs NKS library. Jason did an amazing job and they are really fun to use to tweak sounds. https://freelancesoundlabs.com/index.php/downloads/komplete-kontrol-vst-packs/itemlist/category/108-kv331-audio
  5. $48 Covered by Don’s deal compressor but I’m really enjoying it so wanted to highlight it. direct link: https://www.sound-dust.com/synthfundibulum Don’s affiliated link(?) https://bit.ly/3hpNisa Soviet SYNTHFUNDIBULUM#3 - is a new member of the INFUNDIBULUM family, the range of instruments built for polyrhythmic time funnelling, happenstance and above all fun. This time we have a sound set created in a collaboration with Armenian composer Art Tadevosyan and based on his collection of ageing soviet synth beauties. SSf3 offers 3 independent oscillator channels, each with a choice of 33 multi sampled sound sets made from 7 strange keyboards. A redesigned INFUNDIBULUM engine plays to the character of these synths. In addition to the original cunning multi-arp system Soviet SYNTHFUNDIBULUM#3 has new filter sequencing, 10 new soviet reverb impulses and new insert effects. Packed with character and possibility with an organic plastic flavour Soviet SYNTHFUNDIBULUM#3 is an infinity of analogue that frankly you will never hear anywhere else.
  6. Amazon has a good sale on keyboards if your shift key is broken. https://www.amazon.com/Keyboards-Mice-Computer-Add-Ons-Computers/b?ie=UTF8&node=12879431
  7. Amen to that. By the time I’m done installing, updating, finished watching reviews/tutorials, I have like 10 minutes of actual playing before I have to call it a day. If I throw in visiting this forum, I’m all out of time.
  8. It’s still not picking up some of my vst3 only plugins. Maybe will get fixed next update.
  9. kevin H

    SSL LMC+ $29.99

    Completely agree. Cant be too careful. If you guys want to send me your credit card numbers I can check if they were hacked heheh
  10. Okay figured it out. For some reason kk update did not show under updates along with the others. I had to find it under “not installed” tab. I have a few Maschine packs I haven’t installed so was hidden in between them
  11. Synth anatomy posted this (dec 2020) when 2.9.9 was released. ”Synthmaster 2.9.9 is out now and clears the way to SynthMaster 3. According to the developers, they have re-engineered the internal framework [and] their effects for the SynthMaster 3 development. But don’t panic, people who already own or are just buying SM2 can upgrade to SM3 for $ 29, once it’s out. ” separately kv331 says 3.0 will be out Q4 2021, see link below https://www.kv331audio.com/synthmastereverythingbundle.aspx
  12. Awesome !!! completed my bundle. Thanks for the freebie too.
  13. 1494-Christian potentially haha with 3 days to go it’s a done deal…
  14. kevin H

    SSL LMC+ $29.99

    I opened a case politely asking to please fix not being able to see previous purchases or to gently fire their IT guy and then fix the problem. Will let you know what they respond.
  15. You are fun to take to parties haha
  16. kevin H

    SSL LMC+ $29.99

    I usually go with my first instinct so if your gut says you will not use it ever and you hated Phil Collins anyway go with it but if you are on the fence then at $29 you will regret not getting it later.
  17. kevin H

    SSL LMC+ $29.99

    Seems someone deserves a raise for this bang up job…haha
  18. kevin H

    SSL LMC+ $29.99

    I had to register as new account again because my account was old. I purchased LMC+ hoping once I associated my ilok it would pick up my older purchases but there is a note that says that we may need to reregister products. So sounds like starting over. Whoever managed this transfer of accounts did an awesome job - not hehe
  19. I was in a similar situation but opted to buy volume 5 upgrade in order to maybe save when volume 6 is released. Assumption is going from 5 to 6 would be cheaper than 4 to 6, etc. We’ll see if it pays off
  20. Was more to warn others of my mistake Can you still use the referral code if it’s not your first purchase but you haven’t used it yet? New customer kind of implies during first purchase but I’m not clear.
  21. Last year during similar sale I bought MFreeFXBundle at discount and I also used someone’s referral code for 20%. It was a great deal. I then tried the plugins and thought, at 60% discount let me upgrade to a higher tier since sale is still going on. Silly me I tried to use a referral code again for the extra 20% and quickly realized you can only use one once as a first time buyer. So my advice is if you think you may end up upgrading to a higher tier, save the referral coupon code for a larger first purchase otherwise you may waste it to get $2 off when you could’ve gotten a much bigger discount. My 2 cents.
  22. If I recall my individual licenses were traded for the those in volume license. I remember having to go into ilok and having to deactivate licenses before volume version could be activated.
  23. kevin H

    Out again!

    Stay safe Larry. See you when you get back. If kids want candy, make them sign up for a weekly subscription plan for “pro” candy and yearly WUP to get them acquainted with how thing will probably be in a few years for everything at this rate
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