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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. Check out the video I posted earlier in this thread. He briefly covers having the tool suggest a similar groove.
  2. Not sure if you checked out the video but a nice feature was having ezbass find similar grooves as what it converted from audio from its library. So seems like a nice way to spice up what it captured instead of straight audio to midi conversion. Also, I’m not too familiar with CW audio to midi but ezbass was pretty good about capturing articulations like slides, etc. Although telecode mentioned some of this was lost when exporting onto midi track so I’ll need to try this out myself.
  3. Amplesound is having summer sale and best service prices have been reduced appropriately. Best service coupon works through July 23. https://www.bestservice.com/ample_sound.html I don’t own any Amplesound libraries so this complicates things hehe
  4. I’ve only had ezbass for a day but something I thought was really nice was converting guitar audio into bass midi. I can see this saving me tons of time. There are a lot of videos showing this. This is one example.
  5. Cheapest I found this time was $9.99 https://www.bestservice.com/steel_water_bottle.html
  6. I had similar issue last year. I didn’t think to reach out to support but I found a discounted sample library for $2.99 at the time that got me over the hump. I searched by item and then sorted by price low to high and this is how I found it.
  7. https://www.bestservice.com/ezbass.html use code: summer-21-30 Normally $149 Lowest I’ve seen so finally got ezbass
  8. Actually I didn’t see it on their website either but once I installed it was there.
  9. I discovered the NFR license for discounted products too late so for me it was discount all the way they have since added live and now master flavors for free so I really don’t mind.
  10. When I activated it showed 2 activations available so should work on two machines as I’ve done this with other plugins.
  11. Worked for me thanks. This is my first relab product so I wasn’t signed in when I bought. Maybe try it without signing in?
  12. Be aware that if you buy Gulfoss at discount it will be an NFR license. So if you ever plan to sell buy at full price.
  13. Okay forcing rescan fixed it. Thanks Kevin you are the best
  14. Check for updates within Live details: https://www.ableton.com/en/release-notes/live-11/
  15. for me new NKS plugins are not showing up in KK. Wonder if I need to force rescan
  16. Upgrade from 8-track is $259 at the discounted price…
  17. Rumor has it that now that Richard Branson, Larry, and two unknown virgin galactic employees went into outer space. Larry can return home to focus on this deals forum again.
  18. The original… XTENDED PIANO SUPERDEAL Mute | Plucked | Bowed | Mallet | SFX 5 Individual fully multi-sampled instruments in one. From its' beginnings as the ground-breaking Bowed Piano, Xtended Piano is one of Soniccouture's defining products, and one that has been much copied in recent years. We take this as a compliment - accept no imitations. €45 (€139) | $49 ($149) https://www.soniccouture.com/en/products/28-experimental/g24-xtended-piano/
  19. Since you brought this up in another forum. Are you looking at cleaning the toilet differently after using this library?
  20. Hahha, I was wondering when I saw bank #6. I kept thinking, I thought I already had that…but good reminder as I had forgotten about some of these features.
  21. I can see someone buying licenses during a flash sale and then reselling them for profit at some discount to people that missed sale. They would pocket the difference. Regular users wouldn’t do this likely.
  22. Terrible Job Benny for a first timer. Now I have to go spend money on something else I don’t need that I had no idea had been released…thanks a lot hehe
  23. A condo/townhouse piano is stuck at velocity 68
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