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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. I won’t use the $25 one until later as experiment and will update this thread. I’ve heard of people giving away their vouchers and others using but don’t know if they ever tried using more than one voucher in same month.
  2. since cat is out of the bag. I created a second account a long time ago because I was having trouble receiving the newsletter. Think it was getting blacklisted by my internet provider. I still receive random PA announcement on there but nothing else until last night when a $25 monthly voucher appeared. I get my regular voucher in my other email. So if you happen to have a backup account connected to PA you may have received another voucher.
  3. Im not sore but just so we are clear I crossed you off too on my version of the list hehe
  4. Pretty sure someone else on this forum said they used the first time referral code after owning many of Melda products. Are you sure you never used a referral code before? It’s possible they changed the rules since.
  5. If you are a first time buyer and planning to use someone’s 20% coupon, you can only ever use a first time coupon once. Seems obvious but I used my first time coupon to upgrade from free bundle and saved like $5 dollars. I should’ve saved it to upgrade to one of the larger bundles to save a lot more. So lesson is don’t use it for something small like I did because you won’t be able to use a 1st time coupon ever again. Some people waited years before they used someone’s first time buyer coupon.
  6. If I had to pick something that resonates I would say hitmaker edm . But I’m not very good at this hahah
  7. Not by accident but ran out of things to pick that I don’t own. Some of us are dubbling up on this so maybe someday sell the non NFR plug-in. Although resale might not be great.
  8. He knew it would extend until he came back…the man has powers we’ll never comprehend…hehe
  9. The way I see it, Peter and I won as this was the original deadline. Please everyone provide your credit card numbers so we can go on a shopping spree. Thank you and goodnight hahah
  10. Sorry Fleer. It’s great that they are doing upgrades and updates deals but the rules are so convoluted all it did for me on the Soundiron deal was got me really upset. I eventually got a refund but took maybe 5-7 days for NI support to get back to me and approve the refund.
  11. Here is my contribution to graphs. Number of songs I’ve written since GB started hehe
  12. Was expecting chaos in video hahah. @11:33 organ of the future was really cool…enjoyed it.
  13. Got this on Loot a few weeks ago for 13 GBP which comes out to similar price. Haven’t played with it much. Some people said GUI was fiddly but they liked the dark /lush textural strings. Was inexpensive enough to try out. I believe you can drag and drop your own samples which sounded interesting.
  14. In that case I think you have to do pick update instead of upgrade…assuming I understood correctly hehhe. It’s definitely confusing.
  15. That’s kind of what happened to me with Soundiron. Then eventually got a refund. Hopefully not the case
  16. I missed the original live cast but I’m definitely going to watch it now for all the background action described hahah
  17. Same here. I bit the upgrade bullet. Let’s see if it works
  18. Hopefully upgrade process goes smoother than Soundiron which was a total disaster for those of us that bought original bundle in 2017
  19. I’m really liking the Cinekinetik collection by the way
  20. I tried same thing with my piano but not sure about next step…
  21. While I appreciate IK’s generosity with this GB. I can’t stop thinking that they will be moving to a WUP type model to take advantage that everyone who joined the GB now has to renew 20 or 30 products to keep them current next big OS update. I really hope not but there has to be an angle because this GB is past no brainer stage into insane once in a lifetime type of deal… With this said, let’s get to 20k……
  22. Had no idea they had free plugins. Also at that link they have a free Filterstep plug-in. Thanks
  23. I would look at the guys/gals who guessed 17 or 18 free products and could be trying to slow things down so they win
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