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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. Would it kill UVI to have a sale in January to maximize the voucher
  2. Piano sounds cool but still get a bit nervous so wear my suit when playin it….
  3. For years my vouchers were going into my junk mail and I had no idea I was even missing them. Haha
  4. Just got my personal voucher in email…. Last year I had to go into account/vouchers to retrieve mine. They expire Jan 31,2022.
  5. Got synth city and I’m loving it may not be for everyone but really liking it…
  6. Thanks Eusebio I had trouble picking my freebie for December. I now have trouble picking two more hahha
  7. Freaking Zo. Loved your video. Got the plugin. Refused the watch the compressor part. I know its $29 but adds up haha. At least saturator is free. Some people care, might be good to mention this requires Ilok to authorize.
  8. Glad they decided to keep sale going for few more weeks. Smart. Some sites (sweatwater) for instance still show it at $99. It’s 30% off ($69) from KIT directly. https://kitplugins.com/pages/bb-n105-channel-strip
  9. How does it run on M1? Haha sorry couldn’t help myself
  10. Makes sense. For me I’m very invested in apple so honestly don’t think I plan to go back. I have a 2006 Mac tower that has outlasted every windows pc I ever had. I still use it for some things. My 2015 i7 mac can still handle anything I’m doing these days. That’s one thing with apple, they last forever and only reason I upgrade is when they drop support and I need latest OS. M1 max or pro should be good for another 7-8 years.
  11. This thread is getting good..haha
  12. Was looking for reviews of the three M1 processors and I think this guy captured it most accurately: M1 - Yeet M1 Pro - Yeet YEET M1 Max - YEET YEET SKIDDLY DEET, MOTHER F*CKER!
  13. I was thinking similar but towers seem to be more tailored to graphics/video use lately. Aside from being crazy expensive. I’m leaning towards a laptop now. Just need to figure out a better option for all my T5 SSD’s. M1 max and M1 max pro (probably overkill) look really good.
  14. It let me add the tuner. Thanks Bapu.
  15. $50 and $75 are unique. This month they sent me both a generic $25 and a higher tier loyalty voucher.
  16. Same here hehe. I could’ve sworn last time I tried to buy the tuner it told me I couldn’t as I already owned it. Will need to try again.
  17. Larry has a ton of secret screen captures for this thread but none for “Brushed Nipple Gongs” one, the irony hahah,
  18. Just realized this is a windows only sale. I guess will wait until they offer a Mac discount. Better actually as it gives me time to get familiar and see if it’s something I really want.
  19. Thanks Jim. I’ll also check out Reid’s video and groove3 class before jumping in. In 2022 I’m hoping to spend more time writing full songs haha. I have a million songs/ideas started but then lose focus and jump onto something else. I’m hoping maybe adding structure and a different approach will help.
  20. Asume it’s 12 hour flight as there is soooo much content
  21. I’m intrigued. Kind of dismissed it but maybe next sale will jump in. Is pro worth it or better to jump into one of the other packages (when discounted of course)?
  22. Geez…website has so many ads I’m having trouble distinguishing what is a product and what is and ad. At least on mobile browser it’s crazy.
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