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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. kevin H

    NI Hacker

    Did you sign into Larry’s account from UK? Hahah Found the source hahha
  2. Good thing I bought true strike 2 at full price couple months ago. Otherwise would’ve bought it for 50% off before they kill it forever hahah
  3. Who is this Simeon guy? He is everywhere heheh
  4. Just like Zebra 3 and Synthmaster 3 haha
  5. I like their stuff but only bought couple libraries because just take soooo much drive space. They really need to fix this.
  6. Fleer said it’s a BEaSt and that’s good enough for me. I do have a good voucher to spend though so I don’t need to overthink it much hehe
  7. It’s all about meta verse these days. So probably they will be working on sound related features and effects.
  8. Can you also post your credit card number to see if it’s unique ? I can check both at same time Haha I got same voucher with same number in addition to monthly regular voucher (although reduced by $25 this month, maybe I haven’t bought enough lately)
  9. Ya I reached out to them too. Got same vibe that it’s an admin fee. No real compelling reason to upgrade. Although, for izotope I paid a bit more to get in Music production bundle so it was cheaper to upgrade later. So for that reason $39 may still be worthwhile. Need to think about it.
  10. I looked at some of their plugins. They were a bit expensive at the time so passed on them. I was shocked to find out none of their synth plugins supported MPE which was weird considering they sell MPE Hardware. So double check if you are expecting to use them with an MPE controller.
  11. The was a wrinkle in the time continuum where two Larry’s posted at once. I’ve always thought this was only way he could post deals so fast or even before announced. Fascinating, explains the mr Spock too hehe
  12. So much for not buying anything today hahah
  13. Gothic instruments have always intrigued me. T&S always had bundle deals on these Dronar instruments.
  14. Im spectacularly broke from all the recent deals hahha
  15. Beside Dialog match, which I can’t use because i don’t have PT, only thing missing for me is upgrading from rx8 adv to 9. Every option to upgrade has been super expensive since it came out. Guess I will just have to keep waiting.
  16. I own all plugins including spliteq and it’s still $39 for me. Don’t get it. I know others said they are in same situation.
  17. I just got this email and when I came to post it’s old news already haha
  18. This is what Larry is referring to, not the bus haha
  19. It was recording at a Church…..what did you expect? hehe
  20. Don’t have much to contribute other than I like the combined version with wooden frame. Maybe some day
  21. Black Friday this collection went for $299 (33% off). It Is expensive but at this price it’s lowest I’ve seen it (40% off). I bought Arousor from EL for $249 when it first came out. So for similar price you get three plugins, although I don’t have console 1 so I only count as two.
  22. If you have previously bought ethera use code ETHERALOYALTY at checkout for 20% loyalty discount (zero-g website). It will know if you are an ethera owner or not to apply discount.
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