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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. Love Gulfoss but be aware that if you buy on sale it becomes NFR
  2. 2.7.0 - 2022-03-29 ADDED - VST3 plug-in target - FIXED - Dialogue box keyboard shortcuts Enter (accept / confirm) and Esc (cancel) not working on Windows FIXED - VST plug-in UI cropped in Ableton Live - REMOVED - Automatic download of Sounds.com content in Browser
  3. So komplete supports hosting vst3 plugins? Or is komplete.vst3 now a thing? I have a bunch of plugins that are vst3 only can’t run anymore.
  4. Can’t beat the king. Nice try Larry hahah
  5. I use freelance sound labs NKS library and works amazing. Price is in Australian dollars so very reasonable. https://freelancesoundlabs.com/index.php/downloads/komplete-kontrol-vst-packs/itemlist/category/108-kv331-audio
  6. I logged in and I see that as an existing user I’m eligible for a 20 euro loyalty discount. So while not part of 50 off sale they do offer some discount bringing it down from 99 euro to 79 if anyone is interested.
  7. This is the one time I really didn’t want to see a dry / wet knob.
  8. Polyscape 2 is $29 and their marimba bundle $19 ( but I already own it) is one option. or they have $9 expansion sounds you can add to get to $35. But I already own them so can’t get there today so Polyscape 2 will have to wait
  9. A.O.M is weird in their wording haha. From my understanding, as I’ve been eyeing invisible limiter for a while, is that they offer a one year “rental” option to try out their plugins. For instance, one of their plugins is $49 for example for 1 year license. This allows you to try it out for a year and at end of that year you can upgrade from 1 year license to perpetual for the difference. In that case $150. Other option would have been to purchase perpetual license for $199 from the start. So total bundle is a reduced priced 1 year license option for all their plugins. At the end of the year you can then convert to perpetual by paying the difference (the original 1 year rental fee is your “discount” ).
  10. Note that if you own some of voices of wind products they sent out an additional personalized code that brings the collection down to $79 at least for me instead of $199 intro sale.
  11. So far has never been the right 75% off hehe
  12. I do this all the time haha
  13. Looks pretty cool. I used to get catalogs from B&H photo and video all the time. So once while visiting NY, I ditched my friends and took a cab there. I was so exited. I walked in and was the worst experience ever. Not a single instrument or audio recording equipment was displayed. Just bunch of cameras and general electronics like stereos. I expected it to be just like the sweetwater video. It was a Music Store catfish hahah
  14. I totally went directly to Humble Bundle looking for this when I saw it posted…of course I didn’t find it haha
  15. kevin H

    Holy Crap Lars!

    I think Larry misunderstands April fools day. Point is not to make us all look like fools by out dealing everyone by a mile hahah
  16. Usually they do 30% off and I’ve seen even 40%. For NKS sales I’ve seen them go to 50% off but not lower. These are also very rare in my experience. I think last time there were 50% off was in 2019.
  17. Euro to dollar is almost one to one which helps makes these deals even better
  18. Like a slap in the face….(too soon)? Hehe
  19. Andrew’s plug-in would’ve been better. Andew’s are always substandard and protools only.
  20. It’s a state of the art cat metronome
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