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Sander Verstraten

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Everything posted by Sander Verstraten

  1. Isn't that that standard price for the 6-pack? At least the price in Euro is still the same...
  2. Hopefully the new Picking Session Guitar is 50% off too. Looking to grab that one.
  3. I asked on their Facebook page, and they said it's planned for 2020. And I already reserved some money for it..
  4. just as the title says. Complete the free Izotope Elements collection with Nectar Elements: https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/1545
  5. In the first of our upcoming major updates, MASSIVE X has had a massive makeover. New skins include dark and light modes, as well as flat modes that are easier on your processor. We’ve made the envelopes and Switcher LFO dynamic for everybody who asked, and once you’re done looking at the new changes, treat your ears to 60 new traditional instrument-inspired presets on top of the 100 we dropped back in August! Update now via Native Access.
  6. Preeonus also announced a stream for 10am CST. Would be surprised if they bump Studio One already to V5. But I'm still curious about it.
  7. Already got that one. Still waiting for Nektar Elements to be for free. Plugin Boutique, you know what you have to do ?
  8. When was 12 released? But 13 would still be a bit off, as both Kontakt 6 and Massive X are already part of 12. They probably want to update 1 or 2 flagship products before the next Komplete version
  9. Get the authentic sound of a vintage steel-string acoustic, expertly recorded with a session pro. PICKED ACOUSTIC expands the acclaimed SESSION GUITARIST workflow with 194 new picked patterns and a much-requested option for single-note melodic phrases. And as a thank-you for using one or more other instruments from the series, here’s 10 € off the latest addition. Just enter the code below when purchasing: (code in email) https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/guitar/session-guitarist-picked-acoustic/pricing/?uuh=c5dbbd29a7fc828b97f58e3fd7f87a4b&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=Picked+Acoustic+(Sessions+Guitarist+owners)+c%3Dpickedacoustic+b%3DKomplete+t%3DRelease_PD&utm_content=owned Sounds nice. But I probably will for the Cyber Sale, to get it for 50% off. Or wait until I upgrade to Kontakt 13.
  10. Reason for me to switch buffer sizes between tracking and mixing. Though it's hard not to start to mix during recording
  11. Don't need it, but GAS......
  12. Any reason to get this if I got NI Komplete Ultimate?
  13. If nothing else, this will probably make history as the longest thread on this Forum.
  14. Not yet found when running the updater in Studio One. Are you a Time Traveler?
  15. Is it me or do all links point to the VI collection?
  16. Aren't they an Italian company. So if they use the local timezone: GMT+2
  17. Stupid European tax scheme. With max Jam Points the price of hardware in the IK shop is only marginally cheaper than at the local retailer.
  18. Hi, I'm looking for a DAW that can be run online/in a browser. Mainly to put in some quick ideas. I have a corporate Laptop, on which for obvious reasons, I am not allowed to install my own programs. But anything running in Chrome or Edge would be fine. Is Bandlab the best around, or are there other alternatives?
  19. Does it work over the Slate Digital kHs bundle too?
  20. How are the drivers compared to the Octacapture on Win10? I might be tempted to switch interfaces.
  21. And last year, there also was a leaflet with some discount codes for various synths.
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