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Waldemar Pawlik

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  1. From what I've gleaned, there doesn't seem to be a way to roll back this latest update😠
  2. Can't say I'm too happy about the latest February update to Sonar either. All screen actions seem to lag and are no longer smooth. When a knob or fader is selected they seem to jerk through their motion. The previous update was the same. I was hoping this update would resolve those issues. Sadly doesn't seem to be the case. I can load the same file into CbB and everything works seemlessly. The bakers have broken something. The new update should go back to the drawing board.
  3. Thank you Wow, just goes to show how blind I really am. I thought I totally searched that screen. Surely a trap for us older guys. Nevertheless, I think that this feature should be on by default with the option of turning it off, not this way round. Day saved!
  4. In Cakewalk by Bandlab we have the ability to select a colour for the the entire Track and Channel strip views. This feature appears to be missing in the new SONAR. In SONAR the only colour I can get is a little strip in the left of a Track strip or at the bottom of a Channel strip. If this feature is indeed missing, I feel it is a gross impairment to work flow in SONAR, especially for us older guys who are not as visually acute as we once were, and we should lobby Cakewalk to get this feature back.
  5. For thos familiar with BIAB, the culprit was in the Key selection box. The song I was creating is in the key of E, which is what I typed into the chord sheet. I then thought to be tidy and change the key in the selection box from it's default C, to my key E. I think the reasoning behind this box is to show correct key #'s and b's when printing a lead sheet. However, it also changes the pitch of what CbB sees when it imports the stems. No idea how? I changed the key indicated in the box back to default C, and everything corrected itself. Trap for the unwary. Solved
  6. I have matched sample bit depth in both programs but it does not help. I have now imported the stems into Next defaut install, and the stems play correctly. Go figure???????
  7. I created a song in Band in a Box and rendered to individual track wav. files. Then imported the individual tracks into CbB as I have done on previous occasions with no problems I had made sure that the CbB tempo matched the BIAB tracks before importing, however on playback in CbB the key has changed to four semitones lower. I have done this many times before without fault. The stems from BIAB play in the correct key in Windows media player, as does the song I created. I haven't changed any settings in CbB, so this is strange. I really don't know where to look for a solution, so turning to you guys.
  8. Feeling a bit foolish now. I have a patchbay to which the ins and outs of my Studio Capture interface are connected to. Don't know how, as all my cables are coloured, but the outputs of my interface where all out of sequence on the back of the patchbay, out of sight. Doh! Rookie mistake. Re-patched and all is good now. Just goes to show that you can't take anything for granted. Check first. Thanks guys.
  9. Like I stated earlier, I have followed the setup exactly as explained in the manual. First connecting up the external effect, a chorus pedal. Then I set the output of the plugin to outputs 5/6. I then set the return on the plugin to a new track e.g track 3 The input and output lines appear in the plugin. I start play and can see the meter on ouput of the plugin bounce. No movement in the return section of the plugin, even when adjusted to max input and output. When I arm the return track and record the input it shows just a straight line with no signal coming in. There it is. It is so simple, yet so frustrating. Cheers
  10. Does anyone here run a Roland Studio-Capture 1610 interface with their Cakewalk DAW? I want to send selected tracks to external effects for extra processing, but for the life of me, I can't make it work. I've spent hours chasing down tutorials ( mostly for other DAWs ) ..... There seems to be very little referencing Cakewalk .... and experimenting with Cakewalk and the interface, but somehow I'm missing something. I have followed the setup shown in the Cakewalk manual for "external effects", but I get nothing, or a feedback loop. There has to be someone here who can do this successfully, and who can tell me what I'm missing in this process. Thank you for your assistance.
  11. Woah ... I didn't know this. All the more reason to plan your takes and overduds, especially in a busy mix.
  12. Recently I have revisited some of my earlier work with the view of updating and remixing them, ( after all, I now have twenty five years or so experience of working in Cakewalk, so I can now make them better .. yeah)? Well, it hasn’t been without its problems. My idea was to re-record the drums on some, (I am now able to record 16 tracks of audio), and use newer plugins where required, and generally spiff things up. And so I began, and soon the glitches began also. I could start recording ten tracks of drums and very soon the audio engine would stop and throw up an error. I have an Intel I7 processor and 32Gb of Ram and can normally record at a buffer size of 64 but I was getting audio engine dropout all the time. I would disable all plugins, but still the audio engine would drop out. It soon became apparent that the dropouts were occurring in the same places most of the time. In my earlier work I did a lot of editing to the tracks and would leave them in their raw state without bouncing to clips after, and so everything was a bit untidy. I would then bounce down to a stereo track, export to wav and mp3, and that was it…done. Also, often I would be working on a number of different projects at the same time, so I would be back and forth between projects at different times all on the same hard drive. You see where I’m going. My projects were becoming fragmented, although I didn’t realize this at the time. Now I read somewhere that .bun files collected all the audio of a project and kept the files together, so I wondered if this would solve my problem. I had never used .bun files before so I saved a project as a Cakewalk bundle. The saving of the project can take some time as Cakewalk collects all the scattered files together in a new file. I then opened the new .bun file in Cakewalk and played the file to check. I then saved the project as a Normal file, closed the project and then opened the new .cwp file in Cakewalk to check. After saving to bundle .bun files and then to new normal .cwp files I was able to record new tracks without audio engine dropouts. We see many people on these forums complaining of difficulties with audio engine dropout and recording, blaming Cakewalk as problematic, so I wonder if some can be solved in the manner I have explained.
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