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  1. Thank you IgoRr. The Shift did not work. But the deleting the aud.ini worked!!! Problem solved thanks to you!
  2. Thank you. I am using a Lynx Aurora audio driver that is thunderbolt. I have been using it for several years and no problem with cakewalk/bandlab or with Sonar. I turned on the computer today, and the problem arose today, with no other changes! If I try to open a project directly, it will not work. It hangs before the opening screen where one can select drum replacer, etc.. If I try to open a new project with 4 empty tracks for example, it will not work. So, I was lucky to find out that if I open it with "no tracks or busses" the rest of the opening process occurs and everything works fine. I am wondering if there is a windows 11 audio driver that is somehow interfering with it. I will check that out next. (I.e., do I have windows selecting some other audio device?) Is there more information I can provide? Thank you so much!
  3. Hi great people. So for some reason Sonar would not open today. I tried many different things. Finally, I was able to select "no tracks or busses" and it started working with no problem. But everytime I open Sonar now I have to do that. Otherwise it just remains stuck without fully opening. I also removed Sonar as a program and resinstalled it, but the same thing happend. Any thoughts? This is sort of a nuisance. Thank you!
  4. I think you meant 8.5.3. By the way, I loved the look and performance of 8.5.3.
  5. Do you have the latest version that was issued yesterday. 2025.02 Update 1 (build The reason I am asking is that it is still 2025.02, but it is an update to it.
  6. That is great news! And they did it so fast!
  7. Personally, I want them to focus on stability over toys.
  8. Yes - the threads could be a sticky. And fine for splitting between instruments and effects. And frankly, it would be nice to have subtopics such as reverb, compressors, limiters, eq, etc.
  9. Maybe a thread with a list of free decent plugins that are available would be helpful. I saw this link to free plugins that are claims to be very good. https://www.joehagenmusic.com/post/a-comprehensive-guide-to-high-quality-free-plugins-that-you-ll-actually-use And more: https://blog.landr.com/free-vst-plugins/ And I am sure there are more! I personally would rather have Sonar development people working more on stability, audio engine, the PRV which needs great improvements imho, etc. P.S. All in all, I am very happy with Sonar.
  10. I am not Bristol. But It may be that your es8 connection to the computer has more latency than your computer keyboard. Make sure you have a short and great cable between your es8 and the computer. Also, I found that for myself, if I increase the sample rate of the project, that the latency of playing the external keyboard (like an es8) goes down. All the best.
  11. We should feel insecure that without financial support, a business entity will not have the means to sustain great support/improvement staff that needs money to live on. While I would prefer a purchase (licensing) model, the rent model at least works. The fact that Bandlab has gone from a free platform to a fee system, should add to the sustainability of the product. And to be really technical, even a purchase option is no guarantee as operating systems can change over time and there can be a time when the purchased product has serious glitches with newer operating systems, plugins, etc. So, I look at the history with Bandlab. First, Bandlab saved Cakewalk and offered it free for years. Was that sustainable when it was free? No! Did people complain? Hardly anyone complained when it was free even though it was not sustainable. Like in every good contract, if there are not benefits to both parties, it will not last very long. Now that the company has decided what they think is sustainable, some people are complaining because they do not like subscriptions. That is understandable. But it is certainly no less a sustainable product than when it was offered for free. As a long time user since the 90s, and with many files from decades ago that I can open in Sonar, and given the low fee for the subscription, I just cannot complain. Add on top of that this great forum and staff people. There are probably a lot of happy users that just do not post at all.
  12. By the way, it is about $177 from Jrrshop if it is a crossgrade and you use the FORUM code.
  13. East West having a bundle sale here: https://www.jrrshop.com/eastwest-world-instruments-bundle Gypsy, Silk and Ra. Older libraries, but they work great with Sonar and there are some great sounds. At this special price, it is worth having.
  14. Almost anything by Eduardo Tarilonte is top notch and works with Cakewalk/Sonar. Sometimes you can find a sound or several in libraries from East West that also did a great job with some world instruments (even going back to Gypsy and Ra - though some of the instruments are not all that great.) https://www.bestservice.com/en/ancient_era_persia.html
  15. The VI forum is a great place to check on these "world" libraries. I have tried quite a few and never had a problem with Cakewalk/Sonar for many years and variations of the program. So, first I would choose based on the sound selection and sample quality that you want. https://vi-control.net/community/forums/sample-talk.32/ All the best on your endeavors!
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