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  1. Once Auto-Tune is open in Multidock, try reclicking on the Track View clip for the audio to appear. I often have to do this with Melodyne. From Auto-Tune: DAW Compatibility Windows Ableton Live (VST3) Cubase (VST3) FL Studio (VST3) Nuendo (VST3) Pro Tools (AAX) Reason (VST3) Studio One (VST3) Please note: Our plug-ins may be compatible with other DAWs not listed here that support 64-bit AU or VST3 plug-ins, but they have not been tested nor approved.
  2. Try uninstalling and reinstalling Cakewalk.
  3. Thanks, but sorry. I gave my last $100 to some forum hijacker so we could text again and am still waiting on the $99 in change.
  4. A staff member just informed me there was a breakage after a system update but they're working on it. So far text has been restored.
  5. sjoens

    Clip color

    Multidock can be problematic if synth names are a mile long or using BitBridge with some 32 bit plugins which can't be docked. jBridge is better for that. Edit: Most BitBridge plugs can be docked by holding Alt while opening the UI (Shift for X3), then docking the little bar that opens behind the UI.
  6. sjoens

    Clip color

    They are always in the Synth Rack. Just click the synth icon on the left side to open them. Otherwise you can move the synth to the Multidock so it's only a tab away when you want it and out of sight when you don't. Click the tab to open. Hit the D key to return to Track View. This is exactly what they did to Console View and all the rest of the views. They no longer have their own views. There's a way that they can but it's awkward and clunky to navigate.
  7. sjoens

    Clip color

    Nothing in the OP indicates that. AFAIK there's no way to change it. Once you move it tho, it will reopen at the new location as David said. Yes. Search for "clip" or "clip background". The main gray clip background is not listed in Preferences but it is listed in Theme Editor. In CbB, record colors are displayed for you in the screenshot I posted above. I used the search word "record". The 3rd one changes the default record clip background. Unless you changed it or are using a custom theme, the record clip background default should be dark red until recording is finished, then it turns gray. The gray background is not listed in Preferences but it is listed in Theme Editor. Once you change a color, save the color set with a new name so it can be recalled later without altering the default color sets.
  8. sjoens

    Clip color

    Not sure if this is what your asking about... CbB and Old SONAR have this in Preferences: New Sonar does not! Would be nice if OPs say which version they're using since CbB and Sonar are extremely different in many areas.
  9. If you miss activation, all that happens is CbB goes into DEMO mode and throws a label on the Tools module "Not Activated" and won't allow you to save. Simply reactivate it to continue.
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