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Barry Seymour

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About Barry Seymour

  • Birthday June 13

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  1. Dining room. Not kitchen. Dining room. I'm not an animal. 😁 (Thanks)
  2. I would love to work with actual musicians, especially a drummer, but that would involve resources, time, equipment and space that I simply do not have available to me at present. I work from the dining room table, and break down when I'm done so I can make dinner for the family. I tried getting a drummer friend of mine set up to collaborate online a few years ago, but he had the same constraints. And setting up to record drums is NOT trivial, as they say in the computer biz. But thank you so much for the kind words! - Bear
  3. Jeezo Pete! Those are NOT cheap! I guess I'm gratified and flattered to sound good on such fancy hardware!
  4. Final song is out! You can hear this and all my songs at www.youtube.com/@barryseymourmusic
  5. It's, uh, quantized, yeah, that's it. Quantized. I quantized it. Left a little humanity in there, that's it. That's the ticket.😉
  6. Thanks, Gary. I think this is one of my better ones.
  7. If any timing is off, it's mine! Those drums is digital, man. That's my, er, analog sound, striving for authenticity, yeah, that's it, that's the ticket... 😉
  8. I spent some time on the drums. Added some fills and dynamics, plus I experimented with the "no drums" suggestion and decided it would be good to hold them off until the second verse. What do you all think?
  9. Excellent point. I actually planned on doing that, but it slipped my mind. Back to the track!
  10. Dammit. I hate when I go to listen / review / kibitz on a song and there's nothing that can be improved. I love the sound of this. Mellow, rich, smooth, well-balanced. The music is melodic, artful, it all blends so well. Very nicely done! Now go and do something sucky so I have something to complain about! 😉
  11. I've always liked this song since back in the day. Some thoughts... Hearing some background noise / hiss in the acoustic guitar. It could be a tad fuller in the bass too. The vocal processing sounds more 80s than 70s. In my admittedly dated opinion, it makes it sound less personal. This is a very nice cover!
  12. Barry Seymour


    Very smooth and well balanced. I love the stereo tremolo on the electric piano. Brings me back to the actual 1975! The punk singer has to go, though.
  13. Man, this is wonderful. Rich and full, beautiful production. The voice sounds a bit broken and rough, yet intimate. A perfect choice for this.
  14. Here's a new one. I had a lot of help, so I'm hoping it doesn't need much... UPDATED Feb 02 2025.
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