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PJH last won the day on November 25 2024

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About PJH

  • Birthday October 24

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  1. PJH

    Tight Wire

    Hi Mark, I really like this! I agree that you should concentrate on the melody at the beginning. Definitely worth developing! Well done!
  2. Thanks for the comments! There's actually not a huge amount of reverb on anything. I did apply the exact same reverb settings on everything though and it seemed to make the whole mix come together nicely. Cheers!
  3. Happy 2025 to everyone! I've been busy revisiting an album from 2001. It was originally released on cd and I recently found the original multitracks so I decided to remix and remaster the album using the latest version of Sonar. It was essentially a duo (myself and a singer by the name of Sherry Wilde) The name of the album is Nowhere Land and we called ourselves Age of Innocence. It also features Clint Zerf (piano) and Phil Holder (sax). I think that the original version was recorded using Cakewalk Pro Audio 8 or 9. I've put together a video of the first track (Dreams) off the album. Hope you enjoy.
  4. Brilliant! As I mentioned, your prompt response is really appreciated!
  5. Once again Noel has stepped up and solved the error. Just before Christmas he sent me a new build to check out (which wasn't successful) and then he sent another new build this morning to test which seems to have sorted the problem. Noel, thanks so much! Your support has been amazing! Much appreciated!
  6. Thanks Noel! I'm going to test shortly and get back to you!
  7. Thanks Noel, it definitely seems to be linked to autosave. Look forward to the next release.
  8. Yes, as I said, the clips bounce perfectly. It's just the error message that's a bit disconcerting.
  9. I get this error everytime I bounce to clips. The task is performed perfectly but I get this error as well. Does anyone else get this?
  10. Unfortunately still very difficult to see unless the theme is changed to a light colour. Only problem with the light colours is that the overall look is very harsh.
  11. Yep, definitely fixed! Thanks to Noel! I spent the entire day working in Sonar - not a single hiccup!
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