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Everything posted by Millzy

  1. I just went there for a peek, wow it was Jan 16th, 2019 that the old forum became 'read only' - time flies!
  2. I recently built an i5-13600K system and have been using the onboard graphics (UHD 770) with Cakewalk, no problem.
  3. Late to the party here, 32 pages late to be precise! I just wanted to pass on a massive thanks to Noel and the team for their focus on bug fixes and stability over the last few years. CbB has been rock solid. Your commitment to this piece of software and the community has been huge! ? Looking forward to the next chapter, I can't wait to see what's up next (no pun intended!)
  4. Thanks, in my case I have no such records in the command centre and any old emails relating to the purchase are long gone.
  5. Ok, thanks to both of you. Looks like a big chance it may have been an email serial/download. Unfortunately the computer with all my old emails is long gone. Cheers.
  6. So i'm re-installing a ton of stuff onto a new build and cant find anything to do with the old Z3ta+2 synth I had on the old system. The old command centre doesnt show it, nor does the old Cakewalk Product page when I log in. From memory I think I paid something for it (was it a paid upgrade from Z3ta ?) but I have no record of any payments, serials, no old install discs, nothing! I'm hoping someone with a better memory than me can enlighten me on how I may have got this, and therefore how I may get it onto the new system! Thanks!
  7. I too have suffered a similar fate, at random, and the culprit turned out to be the Channel Tools plugin. For whatever reason some of my projects didnt like me adjusting it whilst in play. I would echo everyone elses suggestions and look for a plugin or synth that may be the cause.
  8. I've had a Windows update re-enable onboard sound on my PC, which I had previously disabled. Anyway, glad you got it sorted.
  9. Have you tried what the error prompt suggested? Try selecting a different driver - Preferences/Audio/Playback and Recording then select your installed driver from the dropdown list under 'Driver Mode'.
  10. I use Neutron 3 advanced and have the visual mixer. Although I don't use the visual mixer, I thought i'd do a quick test for you. I put it on a project of mine, played it through and let the plugin 'do it's thing'. I saved the settings, closed down the project, then closed down Cakewalk. I re-opened the project and all the settings were still in tact. Not sure what version of the plugin I'm running but I'm on the latest Cakewalk version and all worked fine here. Hope that helps with something!
  11. Just had a play around with the new Bandlab integration. Quickly recorded a few ideas on my phone using the Bandlab app, and they appeared in Cakewalk under 'Browse Bandlab Projects'. When I imported them however, there was no project/clip name on the clips. Also they all appeared as new tracks (Track 1) at the end of all the other project tracks. Should there be clip/project names imported with them? And should we be able to select where in the Cakewalk project they are imported to? Minor things I know, but just asking. So far I can see this as an extremely powerful way to get ideas on the run quickly into the DAW. Fantastic.
  12. If it happens during recording, check your Recording Mode. Comping, Overwrite and Sound on Sound settings will give different results in terms of how your waveforms are presented.
  13. The easiest way looks like opening CbB, then going to 'Help' then 'Refresh Activation'. I just logged into Bandlab Assistant and that did the trick for me.
  14. I just had this too (the re-activation notification.) I've never seen it before.
  15. Not sure if this is related, but some years back I used to get a similar thing happening when I used the Channel Tools plugin. Sometimes it would happen while inserting it on a track, and sometimes it would happen if I was adjusting the plugin parameters, but the end result was the same - there would be like a click/pop sound and the master buss of the project would be dead. It would still play and all the track meters would work, but there would be no output from the Master and it was not re-assignable. Re-booting the PC was the only solution. After the reboot, sometimes it may have re-occurred, sometimes not! It was random but only happened to me when Channel Tools was involved. FWIW my interface was (and still is) an RME Babyface. Since then there's been loads of updates to Cakewalk, Windows, and my RME drivers, so I haven't seen the issue (not that I use Channel Tools that much any more.)
  16. Yep I reckon. It definitely shouldn't take 2 hours (unless you're still on dialup!)
  17. Or just create a Bass Buss, send your bass track to that (then out to your Master or Mix buss) then solo both bass and drum busses.
  18. Right click on the control bar, go to 'Modules' and make sure the 'Export' module is ticked. That will make it appear in the control bar.
  19. It depends on the project. For me, most of my projects start from my own template, which has a ton of plugins already in place ready to use. My default template without any audio data opens in about 30 secs. With audio data, say 20 - 30 tracks, maybe 45 seconds as you say. However, if I open up one of the default blank Cakewalk templates, for example "16 Track 4 Bus Console (S-type)", that will open in about 3 seconds. So it all depends.
  20. From memory I think there was a fix for this in the latest update. Are you on the latest version?
  21. Or....... ....try double clicking on the thumbnails. Easiest way I use to get the video view to open.
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